-Trump authorizes drone strikes on trans targets -Trans bathrooms turned into gas chambers -Energy boom after cooking trans people into oil legalized -thousands of trans people murdered every week in Amazon warehouses -Cosmetic industry boom after grinding trans people into paste technology pioneered
We can beat trans-phobia folks, we have to #resist Trump
Seems like a lot of work to wipe out 0.1% of the population. Let's just poison their hormone blockers, and use a more reliable fuel source like Africans or Chinese, they've got stick people to spare.
Donald Trump makes at least 6 major gaffes, but they all blow over and are forgotten.
The left continues to get more authoritarian and abandons any remaining semblance of true liberalism to go ever closer to Stalinism.
The right continues to turn their backs on immigrants and diminish their voter base with their shift towards alt-rightism and combine an idiosyncratic mess of an-cap and fascist views to go further from center.
People distract themselves from actual issues to focus on celebrity culture, memes, or minor inconveniences that don't matter in the grand scheme of things.
Large corporations like Disney further increase their power and move America ever closer to being truly ruled by them.
More people are radicalized towards either of those two sides around the world and democracy continues to die out in Turkey, Russia, and other assorted countries without people in the West really caring at all.
Freedom of speech is ever decreased in the U.S., not without alt-righters protesting and making advocates of freedom of speech look like white nationalists.
People spend less time with other people and thus make depression and social isolation more normal.
Machines continue to replace human jobs and make poor areas even poorer.
I'm sorry for my pessimism, but I don't have much hope for 2019.
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