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Luck Modifier question...: 2018-12-06 01:14:15

Level 60
Currently seeing a game with a 25% modifier, Rounding mode: weighted random...
So what does this mean really??
What is the best strategy for this game setting?
Luck Modifier question...: 2018-12-06 08:57:23

Level 63
Go to Game > Analyze attack. If the attack works most of the time, it might be worth doing the attack.
Luck Modifier question...: 2018-12-06 12:03:55

Level 61
Here's the full explanation: https://www.warzone.com/wiki/Luck_Modifier

In short, there are two main factors:
-kill rates, the default is 60% offensive and 70% defensive and it's how all games are played unless you really want to create something weird;
-rounding mode: weighted random and straight round

What this all means is that if 3 armies attack, they should kill 1.8 opponents armies by default (attacking_number*kill_rate).
If it's straight round, it will always round to the nearest number, so it will kill 2 armies.
If it's weighted random, it will have 80% chance to kill 2 armies and 20% chance to kill only 1.

Then there's the luck modifier that can go from 0 to 100%. It's purpose is to make things less predictable as the number goes up. I suggest to always leave it at 0%. And use cyclic move order while we're at it.
Luck Modifier question...: 2018-12-06 12:50:03

Level 63
or not do that, and then not be boring :)

Edited 12/6/2018 12:51:44
Luck Modifier question...: 2018-12-06 13:32:01

Gol D. Roger
Level 58
Some people enjoy beancounting. And some enjoy the game.
Luck Modifier question...: 2018-12-06 15:38:43

Level 61
^Exactly, some just check whether it's SR or WR and enjoy the game, without pressing the analyze button every attack.
Luck Modifier question...: 2018-12-06 18:10:14

Level 61
Some people enjoy winning when they outplay someone else. Some like free wins.
Luck Modifier question...: 2018-12-06 18:21:17

Level 63
there is plenty perfect information games to play out there, they are actually quite famous
Luck Modifier question...: 2018-12-07 11:59:21

Level 61
I heard this game called Chess is upcoming
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