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QM trick for free wins (really): 2018-12-23 23:19:08

Level 56
Result of the trick: You basically have a random chance to get a boot win in a RT game.

How to do it: You need an account that has no secondary color set. It's non-negotiable. (technically this should be able to work limitedly for the FFAs and teamgames if you have a secondary color on QM but you can never get a game on them anyway). I recommend setting your primary color to red, as according to Fizzbuns on this thread (https://www.warzone.com/Forum/5071-ladder-wins-color) it's the most popular color. Deep pink is another good option since deep pinks are clearly better players but few good players play on RT.

Anyhow, it's so easy that I'm surprised this works. Whenever you get into a color clash with someone in a 1a1, if you don't have a secondary color picked, it forces you to pick one (https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/204982378978869248/525870100826423299/PtAnrpm.png). You don't have any time limit to do this in...so just leave for a couple hours and do something else. Then come back whenever you want to, make sure your foe is offline, and then pick your color. They'll be automatically booted and you get the win easy.
QM trick for free wins (really): 2018-12-23 23:25:28

Level 58
lol this can actually work
QM trick for free wins (really): 2018-12-23 23:54:23

Level 63
Nice way to annoy literaly anyone. Just saying that there is a decline game button.
QM trick for free wins (really): 2018-12-24 00:02:34

Level 56
You can't decline the game.
QM trick for free wins (really): 2018-12-24 00:08:51

Level 63
That should be changed.
QM trick for free wins (really): 2018-12-24 17:29:48

Level 59
A Decline Game button on QuickMatch?
QM trick for free wins (really): 2018-12-24 21:03:42

Level 64

Warzone Creator
It automatically picks a random color when the boot time is reached.
QM trick for free wins (really): 2018-12-26 10:08:42

Level 61
Hahaha nice one Fizzy
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