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Leaving multiplayer, fix community: 2019-01-03 13:37:44

Army of Shrek
Level 55
Recently I was reported in a game for saying n word. Not the n word but n word. I think it’s absolutely ridiculous but the people in my game say otherwise. They called me a racist and even tried to make me pe for that. All of my allies betrayed me and that game is over for me. I got so angry from all this that I swore a lot and I take full responsibility for getting angry and saying things that I shouldn’t have said which I am sorry for.I got reported by half the game then got a warning not for the n word, but for the things I said later when I got mad.

The reason I am leaving is because of the multiple times this has happened. So many people swear on this app and for some reason when I do it my game is ruined. Even if I get 75% of the game allied they all betray me somehow for a stupid reason. One player even told me that this game isn’t for children so don’t play cause there is swearing.

When I joined in 2016 I had high hopes for the game. After looking so hard and long for a mobile war game( hoi4 on computer) ,my cousin found one and asked if I was interested. Obviously I was. I played the game a lot and was exited. After a while though people started getting mad at me for the things that were okay back then. Things are changing and I just can’t keep up.

You guys are like my family. All of us play this to show our love for history and strategy. All my friends think this game is weird but I think we just wanna play some war games with other people who share our interests. Cause we are family we fight each other, but we also recover and help each other. There aren’t a lot of us war nerds out there so we need to stick together. I truly believe that everyone just wants to play and have fun, but everyone including me gets competitive, and says toxic things. Maybe one day when the community is less toxic I will come back, but for now I’m going to be permanently leaving. I’ll miss you all. Bye guys

Sincerely, Army of Shrek
Leaving multiplayer, fix community: 2019-01-03 13:54:27

Braided Pubes
Level 57
One less diplo player
Leaving multiplayer, fix community: 2019-01-03 14:05:47

Level 63
Try 1v1, nobody to betray you
Leaving multiplayer, fix community: 2019-01-03 14:27:21

Level 62
We can't "fix community", it's an Internet game open for everyone.

Find a group of people you enjoy playing with and create games with them, nothing else can be done.
Leaving multiplayer, fix community: 2019-01-03 15:32:09

Level 61
If you are calling someone the "n word", that is the same as actually using the word. If I say you are a "friggen idiot", I may as well say the actual F word. Implying the word is the same as saying it. Just because you stripped out the letters doesn't strip the intent.

Without posting the game, it is impossible for anyone to get any context out of what you are talking about though. How are we to assess whether the reports were deserved when you gave us no context?
Leaving multiplayer, fix community: 2019-01-03 16:05:23

Level 28
So many people swear on this app and for some reason when I do it my game is ruined. Even if I get 75% of the game allied they all betray me somehow for a stupid reason.

If you use curse words obviously players will report you. Teaming up with and betraying others in FFAs are not against the rules, but abusing others is. If you find people using abusive/offensive language, report them and they'll be warned. If they keep on doing so, they'll be suspended too.

If you like you can play Quickmatches, ladders, clan tournaments and other such games, where you will find toxic players lesser in number than those in open games (especially FFA's).
Leaving multiplayer, fix community: 2019-01-03 17:28:46

Level 49
I had you blacklisted because you were a troll and shit diplo player. Sorry if diplo players don't have tolerance for stupidity.
Leaving multiplayer, fix community: 2019-01-03 18:33:24

Level 64

Warzone Creator
Recently I was reported in a game for saying n word. Not the n word but n word.

I looked at your chat and this is a lie. You say the actual n word, not the phrase "n word". Not only did you say it, you said it many many times, and with profanity preceding it and with loads of other profanity. The warning was more than justified.

This kind of language leaving multiplayer is a step towards improving the community.
Leaving multiplayer, fix community: 2019-01-03 18:39:42

Level 60

Leaving multiplayer, fix community: 2019-01-03 18:58:12

Level 60
Recently I was reported in a game for saying n word. Not the n word but n word.

I looked at your chat and this is a lie. You say the actual n word, not the phrase "n word". Not only did you say it, you said it many many times, and with profanity preceding it and with loads of other profanity. The warning was more than justified.

This kind of language leaving multiplayer is a step towards improving the community.

Leaving multiplayer, fix community: 2019-01-04 12:32:40

Level 61
Leaving multiplayer, fix community: 2019-01-04 15:26:45

[REGL] Pooh 
Level 62
Well, maybe he was reported for saying the n-word, and that part is true. Perhaps it was all of the other 'angry things' he said where he actually dropped the n-word. (Aside: Does ending the n-word in 'a' rather than 'er' still make it an n-word utterance? Asking for a friend.)

But does anyone else appreciate the endless loop he's creating?
1) Army is a toxic warlight player.
2) Army quits warlight because the community is toxic
3) Army says he'll come back to warlight when toxicity drops
4) Toxicity drops because Army left
5) Army comes back to Warlight
6) Go to Step 1.
Leaving multiplayer, fix community: 2019-01-04 17:34:20

Level 58
There aren’t a lot of us war nerds out there so we need to stick together.

That's it I've had enough war nerds rise up.
- downvoted post by (deleted)
Leaving multiplayer, fix community: 2019-01-04 18:29:59

Aura Guardian 
Level 62
One sign you are a toxic player is that you think most everyone is toxic. Just saying.
Leaving multiplayer, fix community: 2019-01-04 19:58:32

Level 56
Sorry if diplo players don't have tolerance for stupidity.

Don't be sorry because that's not true.
Leaving multiplayer, fix community: 2019-01-08 00:58:49

Level 63
Start by fixing yourself before telling others to be fixed. Know why others have a problem before they complain about the problem.
Leaving multiplayer, fix community: 2019-01-18 00:29:39

El Tiburon
Level 52
When you say n word, you are making me say the actual word in my mind- Louis ck

How about just not using racial slurs at all?
Leaving multiplayer, fix community: 2019-01-18 23:49:52

Level 61
Typical reflection: "I am not toxic, you are!"

Fact that you get mad in diplo´s says it all to be honest.
Such hate, and we are supposed to be your family or something?
Makes me wonder how you think/act about people you don´t like.
Leaving multiplayer, fix community: 2019-01-19 01:16:10

Kenny • apex 
Level 59
The amount of times someone who's been warned/banned so he complains on forum only to be shown his outlook is wrong is hilarious.

Army of Shrek gonna look back on this like

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