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New Middle Earth Map: 2019-01-20 23:23:47

The Furious Logan
Level 27
New Middle Earth Map: 2019-01-21 14:56:19

Level 56
I am not sure if I should change the Nimrais bonus in the north of Gondor to Ered Nimrais. Any advice about this is very welcome. And if anyone has found a good detailed map of Rhun or the Brown Lands or Wilderlands (basically the lands east of Mirkwood) that would be very helpful.

Edited 1/31/2019 18:45:19
New Middle Earth Map: 2019-01-24 11:17:47

Level 56
"Ered Nimrais" means "White Mountains". "Nimrais" is "White". So the name change makes sense.

I doubt that there are detailed maps of Rhun or Brown lands. It is a good time to start thinking about the eastern border of the map. The map doesn't have to be rectangular - you can cut off unneeded corners. Maybe there shouldn't be anything beyond the sea of Rhun.

Also consider changing the scale of your map - if you cut off Umbar and the eastern wastes, you could make the rest of your map a little bit bigger. Of course, Umbar is good... Or maybe you could turn your map a little bit counterclockwise?


Now a few points on bonuses.

1) The "town" bonuses are all grouped in the northwestern corner of the map, and it is very hard to find the one you need. Place them near the corresponding towns instead.

2) It seems you don't have a set formula (a certain number of territories gives a certain number of armies) - this type of formula really helps a lot. For example, in the northwest, we have "North Ered Luin" = 14 territories that give 12 armies per turn, and right next to it we have "Forast" = 16 territories that give 8 armies per turn. (I'm not counting the "town" bonuses) In my latest maps I used the formula I found in Limalia's Gargantuan Westeros map. But your average bonus consists of many more territories, so maybe you should look for a different map to follow in this matter.

3) Superbonuses should be nerfed a lot. They should not give more armies than 1/3 of the number of territories they have. Especially considering that you have 2 levels of superbonuses, or sometimes even 3 levels! e.g. Arnor-Cardolan-Minhiriath-WestMinhiriath and Arnor-Arthedain-Shire-WestFarthing in the north. Maybe just exclude the Shire and Minhiriath from Arthedain and Cardolan respectively and then we're back to 2 levels of superbonuses everywhere? I've noticed that you tend to make the upper-level superbonuses tremendously large, while the lower superbonuses are often barely noticeable. This turns the game into a race - who gets the first high-tier superbonus wins. e.g. Arnor has around 180 lands and give 90 armies (1/2 - way too large proportion for a megabonus, even too large for a low-tier superbonus IMHO). Inside Arnor we have Arthedain that has around 75 territories and gives 15 armies (1/5 - suddenly we've got a much smaller proportion for a much lesser bonus here, even though lesser bonuses should generally have bigger income proportions).

P.S. You should really start placing the bonuslinks above the corresponding bonuses. It makes the SVG image look much worse, but it makes the map much better. You can arrange the links of the superbonuses in that cool way you invented, though. (With the angles touching each other.) Just like you've done with Arnor. But not the links of simple bonuses, like EastEmnet in Rohan or Lebennin in Gondor.
New Middle Earth Map: 2019-01-24 16:19:12

Level 56
- Or maybe you could turn your map a little bit counterclockwise?

Not sure what you mean with this but the other things you say about removing everything east of the Sea of Rhun is not such a good idea in my opinion. I will keep the map with normal corners, as well as Umbar.

- Place town bonuses near the corresponding towns instead.

I have already done a few and will do the other bonuses in the near future.

-It seems you don't have a set formula.

I do most small bonuses 1/2, and I changed the bigger ones to either 1/3 or 1/4. But sometimes I add 1 or 2 extra armies to them because I want to make the map also realistic for role-play. If Isengard (With just 5 territories) gets a bonus of 3 there is no possibility of it being capable of attacking Rohan. Another example is Enedwaith. It is just a big waste with literally nothing in it. So I made it worth a bit less than usual.

- Superbonuses should be nerfed a lot.

This is a very useful tip and I just changed it from 1/2 to 1/3 of the territories in the superbonus.

- You should really start placing the bonuslinks above the corresponding bonuses. It makes the SVG image look much worse, but it makes the map much better.

You are right about this and I just placed all the bonuses sort of inside the corresponding bonuses. I only don't really know what to do with the Enedwaith/Dunland bonuses.

Edited 1/24/2019 16:19:33
New Middle Earth Map: 2019-01-27 20:24:19

Level 56
Harad is finished. Next is Khand

I am having many issues with the size of the SVG file. Even when I delete the background map, the outline of the land, the paths on the map that are not territories, and even some circles, I still don't know how to make the size of the map smaller.

!!New link: https://www.warzone.com/SinglePlayer?PreviewMap=77082

Edited 1/31/2019 18:45:31
New Middle Earth Map: 2019-01-29 15:29:06

Level 56
@Gallien, a few weeks ago you said this:
If you save your file as a "Simple SVG" not "Inkscape SVG" it becomes lighter, but loses some features (layers and groups), so do not save your main file that way without leaving a backup.

What exactly do you mean with a 'Simple SVG"? If you mean a "Plain SVG" I tried it but it had no effect at all. Any ideas on how to reduce the size of the file would be welcome.
New Middle Earth Map: 2019-02-07 02:28:05

Level 55
Why does someone always beat me to my ideas lol
Cool looking map though!

Edited 2/7/2019 02:28:17
New Middle Earth Map: 2019-02-09 16:34:56

Level 56
Yes, I meant "Plain SVG", but I am not sure why it doesn't work... It usually helps...

The only idea is to simplify the ships. They look cool, but I'd prefer a map without them rather to having no map at all.

Plus you have a dotted line in the sea of Nurnen in Mordor - dotted lines eat up a lot of memory space.

P.S. I found a lot more dotted lines - in Belfalas, not far from Erech, near Helm's Deep, near Isenguard, and 2 more in the northwest - near mount Dolmed and in the Shire.

P.P.S. And there's a suspicious red dot above Angmar.

Edited 2/9/2019 16:39:22
New Middle Earth Map: 2019-02-10 19:36:57

Level 56
- The dotted line is now a normal line
- The dotted lines are not that heavy, but I can always try
- The red dot is 20 by 20 mm, the exact size of a two digit army number. I see I placed it above Angmar accidentally

Thanks for looking at opportunities and possibilities to reduce the map size
New Middle Earth Map: 2019-02-11 08:45:54

Level 56
The territories of the map are all done, but I still have no idea why the file is so huge. As a Plain SVG it is 2.9 MB.

Edit: I tried some things and if I also delete the background for the mountains the size becomes 2.5 but I can't get it lower than that. Anyone have any ideas left?

Edited 2/11/2019 12:22:12
New Middle Earth Map: 2019-02-11 09:57:32

Level 63
You could make a new map link or save the map as a PNG (don’t overwrite the SVG!) then upload the PNG to an image-hosting site such as imgur or postimages. Copy the direct image link and paste it here.
New Middle Earth Map: 2019-02-11 13:36:13

Level 56
Isn't images for members only?
New Middle Earth Map: 2019-02-11 16:54:41

Level 63
Only inlining them. That’s kind of why I only said to link it.
New Middle Earth Map: 2019-02-11 18:09:40

Level 56
New Middle Earth Map: 2019-02-11 18:18:09

Level 63

New Middle Earth Map: 2019-02-11 18:59:34

Level 56
New Middle Earth Map: 2019-02-12 01:00:38

Level 55
Try deleting the waves beneath the boats, or maybe redraw some of the cities to have straight lines inside the circles (especially Barad-Dur)
New Middle Earth Map: 2019-02-12 06:40:49

Level 56
I deleted the waves, and Barad-dur is not that big. I will keep it like this
The background for the mountains is about 0.4MB. Because with it the map is 2.9MB and without it the map is 2.5MB

Edited 2/13/2019 14:01:17
New Middle Earth Map: 2019-02-13 14:03:06

Level 56
So I saw no other option than to simplify every single territory. And I did just that. I did every territory ctrl + l and the size is now 2.2MB without the mountain background color path thing. I don't see what else I can do to reduce the size any further
New Middle Earth Map: 2019-02-13 15:58:02

Level 53
koen ik moet zeggen jongen, goed gedaan.
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