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Clan League 11: Division A - Official Thread: 2019-09-29 16:59:16

Level 60
Well done SNinja!
Clan League 11: Division A - Official Thread: 2019-09-29 18:24:12

Level 62
Clan League 11: Division A - Official Thread: 2019-09-29 18:44:00

[V.I.W] recruiting time! Join us !
Level 65

Happy for Hergul !
Clan League 11: Division A - Official Thread: 2019-09-30 00:36:23

Level 61
Waddles found a way to carry after retiring!
Clan League 11: Division A - Official Thread: 2019-09-30 01:43:33

Level 63
congrats ninja
Clan League 11: Division A - Official Thread: 2019-09-30 05:26:10

Master Cowboy 
Level 61
Great job Sorry Ninjas!
Clan League 11: Division A - Official Thread: 2019-09-30 10:48:56

Level 62
Goes to show what you can do when you have a group of players that really and genuinely want to win it. To have the best players motivated and on 3 slots (Rak, Hergul, Almosttricky - off top of my head) and max waddles d-ceo and the others contributing in there ways to the cause.

It's uniquely inspiring in its own way as nobody saw this coming.

Well done and enjoy the win.
Clan League 11: Division A - Official Thread: 2019-09-30 16:21:36

Level 61
oh plat, i don't think we actually cared too much about winning or put that much effort in the games xD i'm bit surprised how easy it was yes, seems that this happened mostly because ONE! and Lynx that should have been the top clans somehow dropped the ball (maybe they took it would be easier to win and lost the focus), and outlaws, while kinda second-rate A clan (usually not on relegation fight but also not in the top spots either) but still quite good, well actually i don't know why didn't you grab the win actually? Oh unless you were managing outlaws, then that would probably explain it :)
Clan League 11: Division A - Official Thread: 2019-09-30 17:31:46

Level 61
^Wtf, this dude's actually lowkey super toxic.
Clan League 11: Division A - Official Thread: 2019-09-30 18:04:47

Level 61
I tried to give assesment of top spots in div A, i'm really sorry if i accidentally insulted your clan FSG :o that was not my intent
Clan League 11: Division A - Official Thread: 2019-09-30 18:19:34

Level 62
Clan League 11: Division A - Official Thread: 2019-09-30 18:55:20

Level 61
Max has always been a thorn in everyone's eyes.
Clan League 11: Division A - Official Thread: 2019-09-30 19:15:33

Level 63
Is it official? GG sneaky ninjas!
Clan League 11: Division A - Official Thread: 2019-09-30 21:22:15

[WG] Reza
Level 60
I told Max from the start that they would win. He wouldnt believe me, good shit boys well deserved!
Clan League 11: Division A - Official Thread: 2019-09-30 21:49:59

Level 58
So, which second clan relegated?

Damn, that was a nice burn by Plat. And Max's return was also A level. 2 upvotes!

So... uhm... it would be totally wrong to state that SNinjas win didn't count without Masters playing! You can't write stuff like that!

Edited 9/30/2019 21:51:01
Clan League 11: Division A - Official Thread: 2019-09-30 23:31:36

Level 62
Mad Max! You didn't splurt out that when you didn't make top 3 on the weakest 1v1 Tourney in the league: https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer/Tournament?ID=28339 (or top 4 in that case), you definitely proved you didn't "care" and I totally "believe" you. So "easy".

You could be suffering from the Kenny Syndrome, arrogance.. talking for the group like the spokesman in a condescending way to the rest of the competitors. Realistically one of the least contributors to the success of a team. Denial and excuses are the creatures strong points. Just a real natural all-rounder at being a goldfish.

I've been leading Outlaws longer than I've been waiting for your balls to drop (which they haven't quite clearly). About 3-4 Years now? 3rd, 3rd, and most likely 2nd in 3 seasons at a top level of play seems respectable. Where will you be in 3-4 years? Top 4 I hope.

There's always one that lets the small dose of winning turn him into a twat.
Clan League 11: Division A - Official Thread: 2019-09-30 23:35:26

Level 62
Clan League 11: Division A - Official Thread: 2019-10-01 00:04:19

Master Cowboy 
Level 61
Petition to get max change his name to Kenny.

Also nice retirement platty.
Clan League 11: Division A - Official Thread: 2019-10-01 00:32:05

Level 62
Started my first A league without any idea of who the best clans/opps were, and basically unaware of everything going on.
Did I figure out we had chances? seriously no...
Was rak serious saying we had won? I thought no... (realized later he was :)
Felt more times I / we had lost games, and can mention at least three (1vs1 vs PJ and vs Njord, 2vs2 vs Milly and Suschel), where situation was quite bad or desperate. I think Plat said something true, by saying we did want to win, cause we gave all we had. Easy? No max my friend, not at all!
Thanks to SNinjas for having brought me up to speed, and to all opps I met for their fair play :)
Clan League 11: Division A - Official Thread: 2019-10-01 02:22:19

Common Man
Level 60
Chill out , you ego-maniac

Max is Chill. He was probably trying to avoid all this ego-bs by saying 'no big deal'.
Congrats, you won a game.
Now lay off him.
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