Current Standings:
Position Clan Points Max Points Remark
1st HAWKS 84 093 Give them Hi-5ly
2nd Blitz 75 089 Recruiting 2nd place
3rd Wizards 47 071 Too slow
4th Discovery 50 060 Can they Discover Div.C?
5th LEA 35 045 Take some points
6th USSR 30 044 Blitzed
7th Nuke Diplomacy 14 019 Launch?
Brief summary:In 3v3 EU, HAWKS defeats USSR (replacement game) and LEA to get to 5-0 score and looking to end it in 6-0 victory. Other game, LEA defeats USSR to get some points. Other games are still on-going and one more replacement game is to be made in this tournament.
In 2v2 FE Hawks beats Wizards, Nuke Diplo and Blitz to get to 5-0 score and waiting to go 6-0. In other games, Discovery beats Wizards and USSR, USSR beats Blitz.
With no losses and all wins, HAWKS gets the 1st place and will likely become the winners of Q2. With few losses, Blitz falls to 2nd place. Wizards loses few points, but still remains in 3rd spot due to considerable lead in TP and Discovery are closing in; While LEA and USSR are fighting for the 5th spot, Nike Diplo is content with the 7th spot. Only few games are remaining, so I will make a detailed update after all games end.
Edited 5/11/2019 19:29:07