In true English fashion, I accurately abbreviated 'American". In true Spanish fashion, I accurately abbreviated 'Americano". BOTH REAL AMERICAN LENGUEGES
And I don't believe Spanish to be a true language* of the USA.
The reason being, there's over 6 million illegal Mexican immigrants. Any language decided by illegal aliens shouldn't count. Look at the word......ILLEGAL.
The true illegals are the white europeans that came from the other side of the atlantic, and killed, and raped all the natives from north to south america this happened rulfy 180 years ago. Thier is meny illegal immigrants like Jews, british, french, chinese, koreans and meny more. Mexicans lived here why before any european set foot here. Americas is made by illegal immigrants.
My moms grandperents lived in arizona before 1912 My dads grandperents are illigel french immigrents that mixed with the natives americans But im in cali now
Every country has problems with debt. That's not an excuse, nor good reasoning behind your immigration reform. Mexico is a big thorn is the USA's side.