About profiles:
There's currently no way to search for profiles, you can only follow links. So you can view the profile of everyone you ever played with, the profile of anyone who's ever posted on this forum *and the profile of every map maker*. Just go to the map details page (for Europe, that's [here](
http://warlight.net/Map.aspx?ID=73)) and look at the top, where it says "Created by Troll". Just click his name and you'll go to his profile.
About talking to Troll:
|> Also, I have been speaking to Troll, he says he doesn't like how it lines up with his europe. I spoke about it in a post above. It's just I want to meet a middle ground...
I agree with Richard: don't ask *us* what that middle ground would be, ask *him*!
Maybe he wants your map to be more distinct from his version and doesn't care at all about a thank-you note on the map. But on the other hand, for all I know, it could be the other way around entirely. Other options include him being pissed off about you not asking permission in advance and there not being anything you can do to change his mind, or the exact opposite, him just needing a few days to cool down from the nasty surprise and changing his mind in a few days without any changes to the map.
But, I can only list possibilities and make guesses. Since I don't know him at all (in fact, I'm not even sure "him" is the right word; for all I know Troll could be a woman), those guesses are pretty worthless. So, how about you get back to Troll and say something like: "Sorry for not asking your permission beforehand. Now that the map is basically finished and I'm really proud of it and a bunch of other people also like it a lot and want to play on it, I'm hoping to still find a way to publish it. [And here comes the important part...] Can you please tell me if there's something I can do to get your approval?".
(You have my permission to simply copy-paste those lines, but it wouldn't hurt your case if you'd only use it as inspiration and put the general message into your own words.)
Please keep something very important in mind: *Troll has every right to answer with an outright "no, not gonna happen"...!* Whatever you do, don't get angry or mad (well, you can of course, but only in the privacy of your own home; don't show it in the way you talk to Troll and, maybe even more importantly, don't show it in posts you make here in this thread, expecting that Troll won't see them anyway, because he just might!). I'm sorry to have to say it so bluntly, but unfortunately it's an important message (and lesson): you're the one at fault here.
In Dutch we have a saying which goes something like "It's easier to get forgiveness than permission". I'm not sure such a saying exists in English (or whatever your native language may be??) but if there is: if you ask me, that's only true in bureaucracies, the exact opposite is true when you're asking someone for a personal favour, always get approval first!