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EUROPE: 2012-05-04 22:13:30

Level 2
now that you actually made new bonuses I like thios map alot better
EUROPE: 2012-05-04 22:22:14

Major Risk 
Level 52
Thanks :D
EUROPE: 2012-05-04 22:30:42

Major Risk 
Level 52
Sweden,Poland,Italy and Romania will be left as they are I think but I don't know about NW-Russia? What do you guys think?
Also what do you think about Cyprus being part of both Turkey **and** Greece bonus?
EUROPE: 2012-05-04 22:32:31

Richard Sharpe 
Level 59
I personally don't like the idea of double-bonusing like that. If anything, you could split it into two territories as it is on Troll's map but make both connect to Greece and Turkey. Thus it still allows for quicker expansion while maintaining the political division and not being double-bonused.
EUROPE: 2012-05-04 22:35:28

Major Risk 
Level 52
Good Idea but I'm not sure how I would implement it without making lines that would be messy, because it needs to be obvious to the player. Do you think a split like this would be better than Cyprus is now?
EUROPE: 2012-05-04 22:36:56

Major Risk 
Level 52
Also, if you check the super bonus for Russia,(Set to 0) should it include Kalingrad as I can imagine that can be somewhat annoying to take?
EUROPE: 2012-05-04 22:41:04

Level 50
I realize this is my hundredth post about Belgium, and this one is completely my fault, but Wallonia should be called Walloon. I think I was confused because the Dutch call it Wallonië and the French Wallonie.

And I think you should make the Spain superbonus a Iberian one, otherwise it might be too small, and you made a Scandinavian too.
EUROPE: 2012-05-04 22:49:08

Major Risk 
Level 52
It's fine Moros :D , - could you elaborate on Iberia superbonus(do you mean like in Europe 1900AD?)
Also if you check the super bonus for Russia,(Set to 0) should it include Kalingrad as I can imagine that can be somewhat annoying to take?

EUROPE: 2012-05-05 05:05:21

Level 54
|> About Cyprus, I was considering having it part of Turkey and Greece at the same time, as it is part Turkish and Greek?

To the best of my knowledge, the original Europe map is very popular for team games, such as 3vs3. One of the important parts of teamwork is trying to be as efficient as possible about which players gets which bonus. Having one territory belong to two bonuses would completely ruin that; the player who has Turkey must also have Greece; a teammate cannot complete Greece since he cannot take Cyprus. I imagine this would be an incredibly frustrating issue in team games.

The same technically also holds for superbonuses, but if they aren't too valuable, it should be less of a problem. Besides, that's a common issue which people are used to; your idea for Cyprus would be an unexpected, annoying surprise to most players.

In short: I think just about any other solution would be better than this idea.

|> could you elaborate on Iberia superbonus

Are you unfamiliar with the term "Iberia"? That just means "Spain and Portugal", it's commonly referred to as the "Iberian Peninsula".

|> Also if you check the super bonus for Russia,(Set to 0) should it include Kalingrad as I can imagine that can be somewhat annoying to take?

Normally I'd say you should increase the superbonus value by 1 or 2 if you add Kaliningrad *(no, stupid spell checker, I do NOT mean Stalingrad, that's something else entirely, I also do NOT mean Leningrad either, jeesh...)*. Even though the difference is just a single territory, in practice it will take quite a bit of additional effort to secure it.

However, with you setting the superbonus to 0 by default, that's not an option... You could consider making two superbonuses (hoping template makers will use either the one or the other, not both), but that might get messy.

Maybe it's best not to include it, effectively sacrificing correctness for ease of gameplay...?
EUROPE: 2012-05-05 06:30:57

Level 58
nice map. i like the changes.

things that caught my attention:

- the division of spain is a bit arbitrary (madrid in the south?). any way to make it look a bit more natural? the two castillas + madrid would be a historically accurate bonus of 2. divide up barcelona into catalonia and valencia and add aragon & balearic islands to them and you have another historically accurate bonus of 3. divide up the remaining 5 territories into 2 bonuses and it'd look a bit more natural. otherwise, leaving all of spain as 1 territory would be nice too.
- troll's border logic seems to be: everything is as squiggly as possible. scotland, denmark, bulgaria have some rather straight lines.
- England And Wales: the 'And' is rather forceful! how about '&' or 'and'?
- breaking up the largest bonuses into regions is great. breaking up everything too much and making everything a nice smaller, more efficient, compact bonus might make for somewhat messier games.
- belarus, west ukraine, w balkans: i like their bonus values the way you have them. to follow this bonus logic: central ukraine = 3?
- west germany = 5? east germany = 3? germany = 2?
- two france bonuses instead of 3? http://natureculture.org/wiki/index.php?title=Langue_fran%C3%A7aise
- italy: if you divide it up, this would be interesting: http://myworldguide.wordpress.com/2011/07/07/quick-guide-to-italys-regions/ (make the south worth 1 less than the north)
- kalingrad = kaliningrad
- keep russia the way you have it.
- i like the connections to sweden from baltics/finland: let the vikings control the seas!
- similarly: sevastopol connecting to istanbul or some other littoral territory not in russia or ukraine would be interesting.
- not making super bonuses worth too much (like europe 1600) would be nice. keeping them at 0 and letting the players decide them is fine too.
EUROPE: 2012-05-05 07:14:34

Level 47
This will be nice.
*Your Southeastern Switzerland is calling Southeastern France!
About super bonuses, maybe it will be better for Southern Europe to include Apennine Peninsula, Iberian Peninsula and Balkan Peninsula bonus?
And please rename Belgrade in Western Serbia and Podunavlje in Eastern Serbia, these two term is geographically incorrect.
EUROPE: 2012-05-05 07:53:55

Level 16
The name Wallonia is correct, says Wikipedia. Walloon is the language.
I don't think you should add too much layers of bonuses if you still want games to be comprehensible.
As for NW-Russia, you might want to fuse some territories, mainly in the eastern portion.
EUROPE: 2012-05-05 09:13:54

Level 3
I think your missing an 'l' in transylvania?
EUROPE: 2012-05-05 10:03:04

Level 50

I just found it out, it is called Wallonia, but also called the Walloon Region...

Somebody needs to kill all Southern Belgians...
EUROPE: 2012-05-05 10:43:31

Major Risk 
Level 52
@RvW Thanks, I have chosen not to include Kaliningrad in Russia Superbonus or Cyprus in Turkey or Greece. Iberia has now been Created instead of the Spain bonus.

@Evreux - I will fix "straight borders". Spain has been split up again-as well as France (Let me know what you people think.) **IMO Spain isn't looking to great.**
Also the And in England And Wales is a must in inkscape - there is no way round it I don't think. I tried "&" but it didn't work either. I want to keep Italy as one bonus for the reason you said about splitting everything up too much. Ok, Russia will stay more or less the same, but I have combined Nenets and Yamalo Nenets in the very NorthWest of Northwestern Russia, but I do not know if this was the right decision...

@LOKI, they have been renamed. Also so has Southeastern France,no I mean Switzerland :)

@Domenico and Moros,Walloon has been changed again! Also I have combined Nenets and Yamalo Nenets in the very NorthWest of Northwestern Russia, but I do not know if this was the right decision...

EUROPE: 2012-05-05 11:04:11

Level 3
Mahilyow in Belarus is missing it's 'l'
EUROPE: 2012-05-05 11:06:43

Level 32
And BTW. "Podlassie" has one "s" too much (that exists on original Europe too)
EUROPE: 2012-05-05 11:07:31

Major Risk 
Level 52
Thanks Bluegalaxy :)
EUROPE: 2012-05-05 11:08:04

Level 3
No problem :)
EUROPE: 2012-05-05 11:25:16

Level 3
Kozep Dunantul missing the second 'n'
Del Dunantul missing second 'n'
Eszak-Afold you did 'h' instead of 'k'
Noroaustur you did 'e' instead of 'u'
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