nice map. i like the changes.
things that caught my attention:
- the division of spain is a bit arbitrary (madrid in the south?). any way to make it look a bit more natural? the two castillas + madrid would be a historically accurate bonus of 2. divide up barcelona into catalonia and valencia and add aragon & balearic islands to them and you have another historically accurate bonus of 3. divide up the remaining 5 territories into 2 bonuses and it'd look a bit more natural. otherwise, leaving all of spain as 1 territory would be nice too.
- troll's border logic seems to be: everything is as squiggly as possible. scotland, denmark, bulgaria have some rather straight lines.
- England And Wales: the 'And' is rather forceful! how about '&' or 'and'?
- breaking up the largest bonuses into regions is great. breaking up everything too much and making everything a nice smaller, more efficient, compact bonus might make for somewhat messier games.
- belarus, west ukraine, w balkans: i like their bonus values the way you have them. to follow this bonus logic: central ukraine = 3?
- west germany = 5? east germany = 3? germany = 2?
- two france bonuses instead of 3?
- italy: if you divide it up, this would be interesting: (make the south worth 1 less than the north)
- kalingrad = kaliningrad
- keep russia the way you have it.
- i like the connections to sweden from baltics/finland: let the vikings control the seas!
- similarly: sevastopol connecting to istanbul or some other littoral territory not in russia or ukraine would be interesting.
- not making super bonuses worth too much (like europe 1600) would be nice. keeping them at 0 and letting the players decide them is fine too.