I while ago I posted a thread with some badly drawn images and ideas for a map.
So after working on it, on and off since whenever I posted the thread I have almost finished.
Few warnings:
1. Aesthetically it is a disaster, though I learned a lot about how to make a map and any future ones should be better in the aesthetics department.
2. I do not plan to make any aesthetic changes that are not required by the map requirements that Fizzer has set out.
So if you see anythings that break the playability of the map, or break one of the rules Fizzer has set out, I will change it.
But anything else I will **probably** not change.
3.Any bonus area that has only fours means I have probably not gotten around to picking bonus values.
With that out of the way and [hopefully read](
http://WarLight.net/SinglePlayer.aspx?PreviewMap=9946), there is the link.
So any thoughts, encouragements(badly needed... I want to play video games) criticisms map related would be greatly appreciated.