New tag team league: 2012-05-07 18:51:49 |

Ⓖ. Ⓐrun
Level 57
New tag team league: 2012-05-07 19:09:08 |

Richard Sharpe
Level 59
So now the question is, how is raptor related to you?
New tag team league: 2012-05-07 19:13:13 |

sasha grey
Level 54
Raptor's email arunt...@...
New tag team league: 2012-05-07 19:16:29 |

Richard Sharpe
Level 59
And he just randomly has a similar email address to you. Yea, I totally buy that one...
New tag team league: 2012-05-07 19:58:09 |
Level 5
That's not a league. That's a single round-robin tournament. If you want to set this up properly, you should get the involvement of a member.
New tag team league: 2012-05-07 20:30:56 |

Level 51
He also only has 1 game played and said exactly what you want people to say as the tagline.
New tag team league: 2012-05-08 08:34:39 |

The Yellow Team
Level 4
So only one player will be involved at a time and they can tag in their partner to take over when they get tired?
Can an inactive player get a few sneaky attacks in if the active player distracts the ref?
Can players smack each other with fold-up chairs?
Would the titles only change hands with an elimination or surrender, with a boot losing the match but keeping the belts?
Or is it just normal 2v2, and not *tag team*?
Also, I would agree with hangblague that you should get a member to set it up for you, if only to avoid it being 75% luck. You might find more people would be willing to join then.
Anyway, it's good to see people taking the time to attempt to set up things like this, even if they don't take off so I wish you the best of luck with it.
It's better than posting lists every day.
New tag team league: 2012-05-08 16:42:13 |

Level 54
sounds like a good idea so the two players will have to find a way to communicate with each other and tag team myhand makes it better
New tag team league: 2012-05-08 21:08:00 |
Level 5
General Arun: here's an attempt at some genuinely helpful advice (critical yes, but honest). So far your main activity as clan leader is to seek attention on the forums to the point that you've annoyed a lot more than you have attracted. If you spent that energy playing games, your stats would be a lot more respectable and you might be more attractive to people as the leader you wish to be.
I've never understood the purpose of clans, but so far, looking at your web site, it appears that your activity has never gone beyond mere self-aggrandizement.
Your idea in this post, of having a simple 5 team 2 v 2 round-robin is actually a good idea. It is a realistic and modest way to begin to get your followers involved in something fun where they could get to know each other better - so it's too bad if you "can't be bothered" when you are busy bothering everyone else endlessly.
You appear to have attracted some members to your clan. All you have to do is ask one of them to set up a tournament of the round-robin style. It is easier than you realize. All the work is done automatically - that is one of the great advantages of membership. Get your own members involved in this - make it a clan tournament and talk about it on the tournament chat site.
This would allow you to get your members involved in an actual clan activity, it would give you a place to communicate with them, and it would give you a better place to focus your irresistible posting reflex.
The business about Raptor: just laugh it off, instead of continuing to deny.
New tag team league: 2012-05-08 21:42:18 |

Level 54
i say hangblague should be made {warlighters} clan leader,{warlighters} revolt for aruns warligthers is a vain idea and make hangblague leader sure you can still make Arun founder, so you can actually get involved.
New tag team league: 2012-05-08 21:47:11 |

Level 54
I will like take on myhands idea I will call it Liveline League and i will build on it and i will make a beta season.
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