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Clan League 11: Qualifier 1 Official Thread: 2019-01-31 18:02:52

Level 60
Hello everyone and WELCOME to the Qualifier 1 Official Thread!!!

The Clans participating Qualifier 1 are as follows:

1. Harmony - https://www.warzone.com/Clans/?ID=366 , The Favorite, debuting

2. The Avengers - https://www.warzone.com/Clans/?ID=323 , Abbreviation: Avengers

3. Brothers In Arms - https://www.warzone.com/Clans/?ID=31 , Abbreviation: BIA

4. ILLUMINATI - https://www.warzone.com/Clans/?ID=26 , Revitalized after a long rest, (Kind of debuting)

5. Celtica - https://www.warzone.com/Clans/?ID=276 , Mysterious Newcomers, debuting

6.  [V.I.W.] Very Important Weirdos - https://www.warzone.com/Clans/?ID=5 , Abbreviation: VIW

7. Varangian Guard - https://www.warzone.com/Clans/?ID=376 , The Underdogs, debuting, Abbreviation: VG

Important/Helpful Links:
Main Thread : https://www.warzone.com/Forum/327517-clan-league-11-announcements
Sheet : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17B-tlWBvzqJ4_86RijeOqKHe2cbQNwlhChKsw5W5ByI/
Predictions Thread: https://www.warzone.com/Forum/358720-cl11-predictions-thread
Trash Talking Thread: https://www.warzone.com/Forum/331395-clan-leage-trash-talk


Position     	Clan             Points  Max Points         Remark
5th		Harmony		  58	  58		  Harmonius
4th		The Avengers	  60	  60		  Hero's Suit Up
2nd		ILLUMINATI	  66	  66		  Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.
1st		VIW  		  74	  74		  Outlier = Weirdo
6th		VG		  41	  41  	          Roamin' Vikings    (;
3rd		BIA		  61	  61		  You gotta love Dumb Luck
7th		Celtica		  18      18		  Once a Celt Always a Celt


 Clan			Subs made	Subs remaining
 Harmony    		    1		      5
 ILLUMINATI	    	    1		      5
 Celtica		    0		      6
 The Avengers	    	    1		      5
 VIW	    	    	    0		      6
 VG	    		    0		      6
 BIA    	    	    0		      6

Tournament winners:

Tournament 			Player('s)	Clan
1v1 ME 0% WR			  N		Harmony
2v2 Final Earth			  LeCount/Lineal VIW
3v3 Europe			  TBD		TBD
1v1 British Raj			  RED		VIW
1v1 Hannibal.               Criba86.     ILLUMINATI 

-Tournament wins will be used for resolving ties in terms of total point and in case of a tie in tournament, a tie-breaker tournament will be made to decide the tournament winner.

Qualifier 1 Schedule:

Tournament 			Creation date	Start date	Link to Tourney
1v1 ME 0% WR			  2/1/2019	2/13/2019      https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer/Tournament?ID=28345
2v2 Final Earth			  2/1/2019	2/13/2019      https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer/Tournament?ID=28347
3v3 Europe			  2/1/2019	2/13/2019      https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer/Tournament?ID=28348
1v1 British Raj			  2/15/2019	2/27/2019      https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer/Tournament?ID=28560
1v1 Hannibal at the Gates 	  2/15/2019	2/27/2019      https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer/Tournament?ID=28561

Warning! Before joining a tournament players should make sure it's created by me (Otterycat or a account called Really Gud Prayer), TBest or another trusted actor and that the settings are correct. All clan representatives have been made aware that malicious actors may create fake tournaments this CL and we won't to prevent this from causing any disturbance to CL.

Note : There will always be a minimum of 12 full days from creation until start date. If a tourney is created early or late no matter what there should still be 12 days to join.

If you feel like something isn't done correctly and if there is bias from me, contact TBest, Math Wolf and Ko.

Edited 7/10/2019 15:32:41
Clan League 11: Qualifier 1 Official Thread: 2019-01-31 18:03:05

Level 60

Full rules are on the sheet however here are some of the more important/pertinent ones.


In the event of a substitution, the on-going games for the retired player will not be remade. Only games which have not been created will be allotted to the substitute. Both players will use up a slot playing this tournament. A substitution can be carried out by the CL staff. We will guarantee the substitution within a maximum of 3 days. Any new games created within this 3 day period for the retired player may be forfeit as well.

Any substitution requests should be made only by clan leaders on the designated forum thread. It is also recommenced to send a PM to Main Administrator and/or Division Organizer referring to the forum post. Communication on the forum serves as notification for everyone. If no one has responded to a substitution request in 3 days, please reach out to the CL panel.

The forum post must state. 1. Player subbed out. 2 Player subbed in. 3 Tournament in which the substitution is done. 4. (optional, but recommended ) Number of subs the clan has left.
1. Criba86 (https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=4982099437) out
2. Koztikoz (https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=7972488512) in
3. Strat ME WR (Tournament Link)
4. 5 Subs remaining

All substitute will be listed on the doc and games with the sub will be created right away. The subbed in player should aim for a minimum pace similar to that of the tournament (2 games ongoing at one time). All players are excepted to make reasonable efforts to make this work. Substitutions and sub game creation can officially be done either by the tournament creator or TBest.

How does the qualifying stage work?
-There are currently 2 qualifier groups. In each group, clans will compete against each other and try to get as ranked as high as possible.

-The qualifier stage ends roughly halfway the Clan League once the above tournaments are over and based on the points earned, top 3 clans goes to Division C.

-Remaining clans goes to Division D/E

-Stage 2 will now start, where clans will compete against other clans of similar skill on the remaining 6 templates.

-Stage 2 will finish around the same time as group A and B.

-The top two clans in group C will promote to group B for next Clan League (if there are drop-outs, more clans will promote).

-The clans that finished 3rd to 6th in group C will be given seeds together with the two clans that relegated from B. These seeds will be used to determine in which qualifier group they are next season.

-This means that your clan will play all templates, no matter how you perform!

-Points for winning a 1v1 game =3 points, 2v2 game =4 points, 3v3 game=5 points. So, for 3 1v1, 1 2v2 and 1 3v3 tournaments, the maximum points is 108 (3*(6*3)+(6*4)+(6*5)).

Non-joins or declining the tournament:
-Players will be given a warning after 7 days the tournament is created,if they've not joined it. At 7 days a warning will be sent to the Clan managers. If the players haven't joined by 12 days time or have declined the tournament, it may result in auto-losses and will cost substitution(s) to replace the non-join/declined player(s).

Disclaimer about warnings:
This policy of mine is in contrast to Qualifier 2's policy so again please keep in mind you will only be recieving the warning at 7 days...

-Vacations are honored. If needed extending an existing vacation for another player is allowed only if a forum post in the division thread is made at least 3 days in advance.

See the spreadsheet for all of the rules. If there is a special rule/some clarification that will be posted on this thread.

Edited 2/1/2019 04:12:49
Clan League 11: Qualifier 1 Official Thread: 2019-01-31 18:03:39

Level 60

Seeing the clan names and the players, what do you think about how Q2 will end like?

Vote here:
View results here : http://www.polljunkie.com/poll/zadtco/ranking-of-q1/view

After the lineups are public, tournament-wise polls will also be made. Make sure to vote these and I plan to update the score regularly.

Tournament								Poll's
1v1 ME 0% WR:			   		      http://www.polljunkie.com/poll/kkfnjf/ranking-of-q1
Results: http://www.polljunkie.com/poll/myozaa/ranking-of-q1/view
2v2 Final Earth:				      http://www.polljunkie.com/poll/tknmid/ranking-of-q1
Results: http://www.polljunkie.com/poll/mxewwd/ranking-of-q1/view
3v3 Europe:			  	   	      http://www.polljunkie.com/poll/gijsxc/ranking-of-q1
Results: http://www.polljunkie.com/poll/ixgwzt/ranking-of-q1/view
1v1 British Raj:			   	      http://www.polljunkie.com/poll/aojcpg/ranking-of-q1
Results: http://www.polljunkie.com/poll/pqaknq/ranking-of-q1/view
1v1 Hannibal at the Gates: 		              http://www.polljunkie.com/poll/dcwkre/ranking-of-q1
Results: http://www.polljunkie.com/poll/jfiyqn/ranking-of-q1/view

Tournament Links:
ME 0% WR: https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer/Tournament?ID=28345
British Raj: https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer/Tournament?ID=28560
Hannibal at the Gates: https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer/Tournament?ID=28561
2v2 Final Earth: https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer/Tournament?ID=28347
3v3 Europe: https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer/Tournament?ID=28348

Makeup game Harmony vs Illuminati 2v2 Final Earth:

Makeup game BIA vs Illuminati 2v2 Final Earth:

Makeup game VIW vs Avengers 3v3 Europe:

Makeup game Illuminati vs Avengers on 3v3 Europe:

Edited 5/22/2019 03:45:32
Clan League 11: Qualifier 1 Official Thread: 2019-01-31 18:03:46

Level 60
(Stupid warzone was lagging and as a result I created this useless post and their is no delete post function on warzone, so ya.......)

Edited 2/1/2019 04:25:49
Clan League 11: Qualifier 1 Official Thread: 2019-02-02 13:02:13

Math Wolf 
Level 64
Make your predictions: https://goo.gl/J2ftwS
Clan League 11: Qualifier 1 Official Thread: 2019-02-02 18:01:46

Level 60
Individual tournament polls are out, go and vote if you'd like, and enjoy!!! (:
Clan League 11: Qualifier 1 Official Thread: 2019-02-02 21:10:44

Sakata Gintoki
Level 58
Clan League 11: Qualifier 1 Official Thread: 2019-02-03 21:57:59

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
Oh, you didnt have much time for the poll. Was it intended to start ME already?
Clan League 11: Qualifier 1 Official Thread: 2019-02-03 22:32:57

Level 60

Edited 2/3/2019 23:30:04
Clan League 11: Qualifier 1 Official Thread: 2019-02-03 23:29:08

Level 60
Ok, I talked to Tbest, were just going to roll with it unless someone boots /or complains...
Clan League 11: Qualifier 1 Official Thread: 2019-02-03 23:33:58

Level 61
Nice to see some tourney already starting tbh. More sport emotions!
Clan League 11: Qualifier 1 Official Thread: 2019-02-07 09:30:19

Level 62
Hello everybody from Q1,

Just wanted to give you an update regarding Harmony:

Our clan leader Tac(ky)tical is inexplicably away so I had to step up at the last moment to give roster & lineups (which means I didn't had time to contact my teammates).

So I gave Tbest lineups based on profil stats, recent activity and results from our last battle clan.

Unfortunately, I put players in the lineups that already signed up with alts on other clan or players that wanted to stepped out without the leader.

Therefore I had a few change at the 3v3 & 2v2 tournaments. At the end I don't know if that counts as subs or not but I hope not since subs happened before tournament started.
Clan League 11: Qualifier 1 Official Thread: 2019-02-10 18:32:25

Level 60
The first update for this division will be coming out soon since alot of games have finished already so keep an eye out for that. (:
Clan League 11: Qualifier 1 Official Thread: 2019-02-10 20:15:10

[V.I.W] recruiting time! Join us !
Level 65
Sad news
Clan League 11: Qualifier 1 Official Thread: 2019-02-10 22:03:10

Level 61
^ what happened
Clan League 11: Qualifier 1 Official Thread: 2019-02-11 12:23:13

Sakata Gintoki
Level 58
Join V.I.W.
Clan League 11: Qualifier 1 Official Thread: 2019-02-13 17:00:09

Level 60
Ok so 3v3 Europe has started, however a team member from the clan Celtica has failed to join the tournament in time and as a result his clan was automatically removed from the tournament...
So going forward there are 4 options I can really see as working...
-We could just assign Celtica 2-3 random auto-losses and then create there remaining games manually
-We could just assign Celtica all 6 games as auto losses
-All 6 games could be remade manually
-the tournament could be remade (Preferably not this one for obvious reasons)


Edited 2/13/2019 17:00:31
Clan League 11: Qualifier 1 Official Thread: 2019-02-13 22:26:39

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
We could just assign Celtica 2-3 random auto-losses and then create there remaining games manually
> very unfair for the clans which have to play the remaining games.

-We could just assign Celtica all 6 games as auto losses
> seems hard on first glance but imo the only fair way. Remember when you don't submit a roster in time the whole clan drops out of clan league. Not joining 1 tourney and therefore getting only 6 losses is than just fair.

-All 6 games could be remade manually
>Big advantage for Celtics, because of more time to select the right player(s)

-the tournament could be remade (Preferably not this one for obvious reasons)
> as you said + what are you going to do when then a player from a different clan does not join. Punish him because he only joined first original tournament?

Edited 2/13/2019 23:22:03
Clan League 11: Qualifier 1 Official Thread: 2019-02-14 03:44:27

Level 60
We just had a rule change for CL 11.

Old Rule
In the event of a substitution, the on-going games for the retired player will not be remade. Only games which have not been created will be allotted to the substitute. Both players will use up a slot playing this tournament. A substitution can be carried out by the CL staff. We will guarantee the substitution within a maximum of 3 days. Any new games created within this 3 day period for the retired player may be forfeit as well.

To this :

New Rule
In the event of a substitution, the on-going games for the retired player will not be remade. Only games which have not been created will be allotted to the substitute. Both players will use up a slot once the tournament has at least one game created. A substitution can be carried out by the CL staff. We will guarantee the substitution within a maximum of 3 days. Any new games created within this 3 day period for the retired player may be forfeit as well.

The full story can be found in the Division A thread. However, the short TL;DR version is that a clan (MH) did a sub that violated the old rule as it would place a player on 4 slots. However, this was not spotted in time and the tournament and games started. It was determined that the best action was to change the rule to what is now the new and current rule.

EDIT: @Celtia not joining, from the tournament chat I think it can be understood as if they are forfeiting the tournament. If they don't show up to the forum in the next few days suggesting something else, I would strongly suggest going with the all loss option.

Edited 2/14/2019 03:48:28
Clan League 11: Qualifier 1 Official Thread: 2019-02-14 12:10:41

Sakata Gintoki
Level 58
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