Bottleneck from M'Hunters, some of you may know him for this thread. is he? Bottleneck is a player from MH who has been a part of the competitive Rise of Rome scene since 2014. He learned how to play the game quickly, and ever since then has has been widely regarded as one of the best RoR players in Warlight history, and one of the founding fathers of RoR. Bottleneck's approach to RoR was unique, as he bought psychology to RoR.
Bottleneck was one of the first high skilled players to play with an unorthodox methodology. Bottleneck played mind games with his opponents, and his picking style in full dist games was often one of conventional picks mixed with counters, although sometimes he would cluster in one area for fun. Bottleneck is important because he has influenced a whole scene of RoR players for many years, and he has played 11400 total RoR games according to his profile stats, making him at one point the most active RoR player on the website.
Cloud Strife has regarded him as the best RoR player ever, and many skilled players immediately jump on Bottle's team whenever he would start a game. He has left a lasting impression on many players from MH, NWO, and other clans. But what has happened to this RoR icon? He rarely plays anymore, and players like sanax are beginning to take his spot. The legend only earns 7,500 points per month and hasn't been spotted very often lately in general. Hopefully sanax will be able to fill Bottleneck's role as a very very active and high skill high level RoR player.
Thank you for reading my story time :)
Edited 2/23/2019 23:13:14