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Is there any blog or tutorial on how to coding AI?: 2019-03-10 03:29:55

Sir John Suckling
Level 17
Are there any tutorials on how to get started coding AI for Warzone?
I'm not too sure how to begin.
Is there any blog or tutorial on how to coding AI?: 2019-03-10 07:45:34

Level 60

The blog post gives you some info. The video get's more technical. If I am not mistaken, the AIServerBot account has been taken offline due to little use. However the rest of the video there should still be accurate.

Also, you may want to check out mods and see if that is a better approach deepening on what sort of AI you want to make. In both cases, I think you would need a membership (at least for mods, not sure about AI on top of my head).
Is there any blog or tutorial on how to coding AI?: 2019-03-10 08:46:24

Sir John Suckling
Level 17
Thanks TBest.
I was watching the video, it seems quite nice.
At around 12 minutes it he mentions that you can import games that are run locally to see the visual representation by importing the text file. He mentions if you press Ctrl-Shift-E the import button will appear in warlight's debug mode. I can't seem to get this to work.
Do you know how to import files?

Cheers Sir John Suckling
Is there any blog or tutorial on how to coding AI?: 2019-03-10 09:23:36

Level 60

I can't get it too work, but I know it's been asked in the past and that Fizzer posted this.

Edited 3/10/2019 09:25:55
Is there any blog or tutorial on how to coding AI?: 2019-03-10 10:32:34

Sir John Suckling
Level 17
Thanks a lot mate, appreciate it.

If you click your name drop down from the top right menu bar. (It is the drop down next to the Help drop down).
Then click Account Settings.
Then change the Web Mode to use Flash (legacy).

Then I just followed what Fizzer said in that post you gave me.
So I just needed to open a single player game and then press Ctrl-Shift-E once the game loaded.

Once again, thanks mate.

Cheers Sir John Suckling
Is there any blog or tutorial on how to coding AI?: 2019-03-10 12:03:04

Level 60
Then click Account Settings.
Then change the Web Mode to use Flash (legacy).

Then I just followed what Fizzer said in that post you gave me.
So I just needed to open a single player game and then press Ctrl-Shift-E once the game loaded.

Yeah I do this, but it dosn;t open debug for me /shrug

Good that it works for you!
Is there any blog or tutorial on how to coding AI?: 2019-03-12 05:01:53

Sir John Suckling
Level 17
Sorry to hear that mate.
I guess I'm lucky. I'm using chrome if that is of any help?

Is there anyway to get in touch with Fizzer? Would he mind if I ask him questions?
Is there any blog or tutorial on how to coding AI?: 2019-03-12 06:35:51

Beren Erchamion 
Level 64
If you send him a private message he will probably respond to you relatively quickly.
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