I was a huge proponent of Diplomacy mod. After all, "peace treaties" were the #1 requested feature BY FAR for the longest time on uservoice:
https://warlight.uservoice.com/forums/77051-warzone-features/suggestions/1088481-peace-treatiesUnfortunately, we
STILL don't have a diplomacy mod that does
- what the users want
- without bugs
The "Advanced Diplomacy Mod" by dabo1 (
https://www.warzone.com/wiki/Advanced_Diplomacy_Mod ) works the way users want, but it has bugs and is very slow - you have to wait sometimes 2 minutes to send/receive your alliance requests. This makes it unplayable. If I remember correctly, sometimes requests keep popping up in the middle of your turn because you haven't accepted or declined. The last player to submit orders was getting booted because the mod was crashing.
That's why I created this thread:
https://www.warzone.com/Forum/319549-diplo-mod-neededAnd thank you, Fizzer, for creating something, but the "Diplomacy" Mod (
https://www.warzone.com/wiki/Diplomacy ) is not what the diplomacy players want. They don't want alliances for a determined amount of turns. They want to:
- start at peace with each other;
- declare war, and then only next turn be able to attack each other;
- if at war, and if both agree, a peace treaty is formed, but not one that lasts a determined amount of turns; it should last until one of the players declares war again;
- be unable to attack each other for the 1st or 2nd turn(s) even if one of the players declares war (this can be solved with the Safe Start mod)
dabo1 had the right idea, but he added too many untested and not needed features such as the "shop system" (which changes the game in overpowered ways because you can summon armies out of thin air with the money you have).
Other efforts I tried:
https://www.warzone.com/Forum/321043-asked-peace-treaties-uservoice-righthttps://www.warzone.com/Forum/263484-diplomacy-players-members-neededhttps://www.warzone.com/Forum/285875-remake-advanced-diplo-mod-membersOther than the already-discussed swapped picks and randomized bonuses, I think these mods can be used in competitive games (but I'm not a competitive player so I don't know why the competitive folks don't use them):
https://www.warzone.com/wiki/Late_Airliftshttps://www.warzone.com/wiki/Limited_multiattackshttps://www.warzone.com/wiki/Stack_Limithttps://www.warzone.com/wiki/Deployment_LimitOne big thing that bothers me about mods(and sorry if this is not the discussion you want to have, Fizzer): Creating mods. I tried creating mods and this guide is not at all beginner-friendly:
https://www.warzone.com/wiki/Mod_Developers_GuideI got stuck trying to create a mod. And everyone that I asked for help said the same thing:
- "Look at Fizzer's example mods."
- "Read the API".
Well, sorry, that's not going to help AT ALL a beginner. I'll give you a specific example. I was looking at this code in one of dabo1's mods:
UI.CreateLabel(horz).SetText('Attacks per Multiattack(0=Infinit) ');
InputMaxAttacks = UI.CreateNumberInputField(horz).SetSliderMinValue(0).SetSliderMaxValue(100).SetValue(initialValue);
I asked him "Where did you get CreateNumberInputField ? I can't find this anywhere on Google"
He said
UI elements are created by accessing the UI global. For example, mods can call UI.CreateButton(...) to create a button.
Both of this is wrote on the UI page.
and I said
Ooooh so it's the word create + all the things in the UI page? How the heck was i supposed to know that?
For example
to which he replied
Yes, maybe you take a look on Fizzers example mods, they have even comments
Soooooo yeah, if there is no tutorial on how to create mods, I will never learn by digging through hundreds of lines of code that I don't know what they do. You can see how discouraging it is to get stuck on something and get told "read the API" or "read Fizzer's example mods." And I'm a programmer. I can't imagine someone who's a non-programmer trying to start programming his own mods. Maybe I'm different, but I cannot learn from reading through someone else's code and the API. The answer to my question wasn't even in the API!!! How was I supposed to know it's the word "Create" + all the other UI elements such as "Button", "Checkbox" etc ???
Another problem: To test the mods, you need another Membership account, or another member to join your test game.