So I know posts like these are probably frowned upon by other members of the community but I just had to give a shoutout to someone who's been a huge help to me with a game-related matter. As a few of you may remember, a few months ago I'd requested someone to make a map for some members of a history club to play on. After hearing about how difficult the process is I'd pretty much given up on the idea when a lvl 47 user named came to me and offered to create our map for free. He's been extremely patient with the whole process and fulfilled every last one of my requests regarding the map. We've had the game up and running for the club members for a little while now, and everyone has really enjoyed playing on it. Just wanted to give a massive thanks to Colion for everything he's done, its community members like him that make this game even more fun than it already is.
In case anyone is interested in this map Colion created, here's some links to both the map and a game being played on it