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Community Level makers, do u see suspicious wins?: 2019-04-06 04:07:54

Level 47
Hey, so I had a level with a 3.5% winrate.
Woke up to someone playing it 30 times, winning 30 times, with no records. Now it's 14% winrate....

Obviously, this seems pretty suspicious to me. Especially when my level in question, with some bad rng, can be impossible turn 1 because the closest AI might use all the reinforcement cards. Even if you survive that, 2 nearby AIs could diplomacy you and you're stuck doing nothing for 2 turns. You're basically dead too as reinforcements arrive.

Point being, it's a learning curve.

Nobody else has a 1:1 win rate let alone 30:30 winrate.....

Edited 4/6/2019 04:10:15
Community Level makers, do u see suspicious wins?: 2019-04-06 04:54:33

Level 55
What if its a smurf who already know the tricks? But yeah, it is weird.
- downvoted post by Roi Joleil
Community Level makers, do u see suspicious wins?: 2019-04-06 05:27:37

Level 47
Are you trolling Joi or just being an asshole?

Why comment if you're not going to contribute anything of value? Sounds to me like you woke up on the wrong side of the bed or something.... grow the fuck up dude, get over yourself.
Community Level makers, do u see suspicious wins?: 2019-04-06 05:33:04

Master Cowboy 
Level 61
What level, I'll give it a shot. But yeah, some players are just really good
Like really really good

Also it's literally impossible to cheat at this game outside of hacking into your opponents accounts

Edited 4/6/2019 05:36:37
Community Level makers, do u see suspicious wins?: 2019-04-06 06:32:09

Level 47
Looks like you found it Cowboy. So yeah, it's Boss vs 13.

After a few attempts you'll know what I mean when turn 1 bad luck can outright make it impossible. As one of the AI uses all reinforcement cards and if that happens to be the "Jailer" you're out of luck. Assuming you beat the jailer, still the chance of being diplo locked in your cell for 2 turns while the AI moves troops up.

Judging by the player in question, not an alt / smurf. Doesn't play multiplayer at all.

I don't know the cheating side of things, but this being single-player and client-side the wiki states it could be possible. That's why rather than accusing a player and dropping their name in forums i'm asking around to see if anyone has experienced similar possibly sketchy results like that on their levels. I mean come on, who sits and plays a custom level like mine 30 times when each one takes minimum 30 turns?

If it's legit, i'm honoured. But man, I just can't believe in it.

Edited 4/6/2019 06:40:00
Community Level makers, do u see suspicious wins?: 2019-04-06 07:15:50

Level 63
The player in question probably did beat your level on his first attempt.

BUT there does seem to be a bug though that adds wins. It happened to me once after i got a win. It kept adding wins till i got something like 40/40 wins attempts.

Some levels clearly have have same problem:


this level has 7k+ attempts, and a very high win rate. it should have a 5% win rate, not 50%+

ask Dunno

and he will tell you he has thousands of attempts/wins from the same player.
Community Level makers, do u see suspicious wins?: 2019-04-06 07:37:48

Level 64

Warzone Creator
There was a bug related to this, but I thought it was fixed. I've only ever seen the problem you describe on old levels, like the one Lepanto links is from 2017. Do you see it on any new levels? If so please send me the link at https://www.warzone.com/ReportBug
Community Level makers, do u see suspicious wins?: 2019-04-06 11:33:06

Level 64
Bonus points if you can recreate it too
Community Level makers, do u see suspicious wins?: 2019-04-06 12:30:56

Level 59
The level is pretty easy, albeit very grindy. I did not have the patience to complete it
Community Level makers, do u see suspicious wins?: 2019-04-06 13:41:34

Level 47
Hey, thanks for the information folks! So after speaking to the player, it does seem like like this bug has come back. The player in question tried to recreate the bug and added 8 more wins to 38/38.

I'll forward the player, convo and the map as a bug report.

Thanks again! That's a bummer but at least it's not malicious.

edit: Just as a reference for anyone interested, here's what the play log looks like: https://imgur.com/PUBcfXr
i dunno was actually one of the lower-attempt winners too.

Edited 4/6/2019 13:57:06
Community Level makers, do u see suspicious wins?: 2019-04-28 01:54:22

i dunno
Level 61
Yes Lepanto31, I remember you mailing and asking about that. I just checked that game now and there are 3 players with massive number of attempts....

2873 attempts, 2873 wins from one
2222 attempts, 338 wins from another
1102 attempts, 1102 wins from a third ( 3 different players).

The middle one stands out for not 100% win rate.

Edited 4/28/2019 01:55:26
Community Level makers, do u see suspicious wins?: 2019-04-29 20:45:40

Level 60
shot, I didn't know about this bug :( And here i was hoping that Muli's cool stats gave real info. I wonder how heavily skewed this graph is.


I checked some of my own levels. And yeah, there are a few (I spotted 3, all different players) with many attempts and 100% win rate :/
Hope you can somehow correct the stats Fizzer.
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