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My first map - Need testers and feedback: 2019-04-21 22:05:20

Level 55
Hello, I've been creating my first map recently and it seems to be almost done. It is a fantasy world, partially inspired in the worlds of G. R. R. Martin and J. R. R. Tolkien.


It has 780 territories and 217 bonuses, 14 super bonuses. Capitals, cities and towns produce extra income. It has icy zones, arid zones, forests, mountains, seas etc.

My English is not so good, so my vocabulary is not so great. Some names may contain errors or lack of creativity, suggestions and corrections are welcome.

I think the map fits better in diplomacy games.

Please tell me if you are interested in helping me test the map.

Thanks for reading.

Edited 5/9/2019 16:39:18
My first map - Need testers and feedback: 2019-04-21 22:23:56

Level 64
I’m always down for testing.
My first map - Need testers and feedback: 2019-04-21 22:39:37

Level 59
I’m always down for testing.
My first map - Need testers and feedback: 2019-04-22 16:31:23

Level 55
Thanks! i will be starting it probably tomorrow.
My first map - Need testers and feedback: 2019-05-16 23:03:54

Level 55
It has been published now.

Special thanks to the testers: Allen108, Azor Ahai, Bane, Eldar, Elias, ILOVETHOSEFISHY, King C******* V, Trevor Smithy !!
My first map - Need testers and feedback: 2019-05-17 15:07:54

Level 56
Very good one for a first map. Great job! I couldn't have done it better myself

Edited 5/17/2019 15:08:52
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