I've already finished 4 countries/regions but there is still a lot of work to be done. I'm also trying to find out what the best solution will be considering the mountains. I'm just improvising everything so any tips or suggestion for the map that would be nice.
No, you can see it even when it is in development mode. Good the link works again.
I finished Forston and will now continue with the country in the middle of the western continent. I don't have a name for it yet so suggestions are welcome.
I have a final design for the mountains. Got the idea from Lucius' map and it looks great so thanks for that. The map already has 426 territories and there are a lot more to come. I'm not sure if I will add the eastern continent in the end but I'll leave it there for now. First I will finish the western continent and the central continent before I will think about continuing with the third one. Since the file size is already at 1.3 MB of a maximum of 2 MB I'm not even sure if the third continent will fit in the file size.
Kaizura is the first country that is really finished including bonuses. Only some territory names aren't done yet. I also finished the westernmost continent but still don't know a name for the country in the middle of that continent.
The Mountains on the west continent are also all done.
Sometimes in order to bring Balance we must bend reality. Remove the Stroke and Fill properties of your territories and bonuses. They will be invisible, but warzone knows they’re there, and your file size will be reduced.
The westernmost continent is finally finished, just need a name for one country and to do all the bonuses and territory names. I also added more islands to the eastern continent.