What clan membership would improve a player's ability the most? Assuming you participate and are willing to learn. This is not a question of "What is the best clan?" I realize some elite clans expect a member to be at the top of his game upon joining, while others might be more apt to teach, share tactics, ect.
I don't think there are clans that are specifically organised to train players. I would say the best way to learn is to play games with prerequisites such as minimum win rate, max boot rate, to make sure you play good players only and can actually learn.
Clans in general won't teach you, but individual players will tutor you or give you a crash course so they have a good idea of what kind of advice you need, etc.
You're generally better off picking a clan you think you can get along with, since it's a semi-permanent decision.
Being in a clan makes it easier to improve, but you can improve just as fast without a clan if you are dedicated. The biggest reason for a clan on the improving side would be the opportunity to play against and with strong players on a regular basis. Another reason is the fact that often, 1-2 players in the clan are willing to tutor less skilled clan members and help them become better.
But these can be done without joining a clan, it just takes a little more work.
101st might be a good option for you, Mike. If you are in 101st, I will gladly help tutor you, and once you get good enough, you can join lynx and become an even stronger player.
Actually Arun it is proven that running a burn under warm water instead of cold is much better for limiting tissue damage and helping to restore blood flow