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New map, need testers.: 2012-05-30 22:04:05

Level 20
Hey guys, I just finished developing my second map. I'm looking for people who want to help out with testing. It's small, so I'm not worried about the connections, as I'm pretty sure I got them all, but I would appreciate any thoughts or ideas anyone had.


Thanks so much guys, you are the best!

New map, need testers.: 2012-05-30 23:06:35

Level 54
- There's an unnamed territory in the parking lot.
- Andy doesn't have a chair. :p
- On the right side of the map there's a bunch of tables that are not territories (one between Toby and Kelly, two more to the left of Toby).
- The "Product Oversight" bonus is nearly impossible to obtain.
- Same for "Finer Things Club" (speaking of which, what the hell...!?)
- The "Original" (could use a better name) and "Staff" bonuses are pointless; by the time you control all those territories (not to mention the enormous amount of bonuses contained within that set; nearly all of them), you've won already anyway.
- Why is there a -1 bonus for poor Toby...!?
- Assuming this is a real company: did you get permission to use their logo and name in this way?
New map, need testers.: 2012-05-30 23:39:09

Level 35
Toby doesn't get a bonus because he is miserable and I hate him. Also, I really doubt Dunder-Miffflin plans to sue anyone for using their logo, as advertising on warlight is just another facet of Dunder-Mifflin Infinity.

Ryan started the fire.
New map, need testers.: 2012-05-30 23:41:48

Level 61
Obviously he's never watched the show at all. Nicely done. Not sure how it actually plays, but looks very accurate. If you want someone to test it send me an invite.
New map, need testers.: 2012-05-30 23:44:44

Level 61
You are missing a line showing the link between the two spots in the parking lot BTW.
New map, need testers.: 2012-05-30 23:53:11

Level 54
For anyone else who's wondering, from [Wikipedia](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunder_Mifflin):
|> Dunder Mifflin Paper Company, Inc. is a fictional paper sales company featured in the United States television series The Office.
New map, need testers.: 2012-05-31 00:10:55

Frankdeslimste • apex 
Level 58
The map looks awesome, nice work there. I wouldn't mind helping you test.
I love your nickname BTW.
New map, need testers.: 2012-05-31 02:29:55

Level 20
@RvW, thanks for the headsup about the unnamed territory. I added that in at the end and thats also why I missed the connecting line between those two spots. Thanks for pointing that out @ChrisCMU

I invited you guys to test. 3 Person FFA. Theres not very many territories so it doesnt seem like a very good map for large games, but I think 1v1 or 1v1v1 might work out well. We'll have to see.

New map, need testers.: 2012-05-31 03:16:49

[REGL] Pooh 
Level 62
You can sign me up to test as well.

Where did you get the map?

Also, do you need a connection line between Reception and Jim?
New map, need testers.: 2012-05-31 04:17:40

Level 20
@ [REGL]John, Thanks. Yep. Missing that line. Will fix.

As it turns out, there is an Office Wiki. This map was on the site, so I converted it to an svg using vectormagic, and just drew in some extra stuff.
New map, need testers.: 2012-05-31 06:03:51

Level 49
jim vs dwight scenario... one person starts with a bonus, right next to other one that doesn't have a bonus.. natural disadvantage..?
New map, need testers.: 2012-05-31 10:19:58

Level 3
good map seems strange that andy is linked to dwight and pam is linked to angela though
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