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Why boot at failure to commit?: 2019-06-17 06:23:01

Level 60
I understand why players would be booted if they don't respond. But if they've inputted a bunch of orders, why not just take those orders and do the turn? I was on a really big map based on India and frantically putting in all my orders trying to be competitive and got booted after 5 min.
Why boot at failure to commit?: 2019-06-17 06:27:19

Level 60
Am I expected to also watch the clock while putting in orders?
In many cases this won't reduce turn time because players really do need the full 5 minutes to put in their orders, it'll only reduce quality because players have set aside time for checking the clock.
Why boot at failure to commit?: 2019-06-17 06:29:53

Level 57
Your problem is you're playing a huge map with five minute boot time. I'd suggest checking the map and boot time both before joining the game.
Why boot at failure to commit?: 2019-06-17 06:39:28

Timinator • apex 
Level 67

Auto Commit
Prior to this update, failing to press the Commit button before the timer hit 0 in an auto-boot game would result in you getting booted and losing the entire game. Now, with this update, Warzone will simply use the orders you’ve entered so far as your set of orders for the game and continue it as if you had pressed Commit.

This makes the booter much more forgiving and allows you to continue to try and salvage a game where you would have otherwise been granted an instant-loss. Auto commit is a necessary prerequisite for games with faster boot times. Once this update is fully deployed, we’ll start to reduce boot times on some real-time templates to experiment with making real-time games faster.

Given what you've written down, you got booted manually?
Also the last 30 seconds theres a ticking clock (if you turn on sound), so no need to frantically look at the timer.

Edited 6/17/2019 06:40:26
Why boot at failure to commit?: 2019-06-17 09:25:52

Level 68
You were manually booted. Link the game and I can check
Why boot at failure to commit?: 2019-06-17 16:10:51

Emperor Justinian
Level 53
Sometimes sending "Don't boot" in the chat will prevent a boot.
Why boot at failure to commit?: 2019-06-18 12:46:28

Level 58
...and of course other times that has the opposite effect...
Why boot at failure to commit?: 2019-06-18 13:06:00

Level 61
Embrace your boots!
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