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Show the explanation of the arrows in the wiki: 2019-06-18 14:07:08

Level 57
After playing the 1v1 ladder for a month or three, I became increasingly confused by the arrows/equals signs, wondering their meanings. Finally, I searched the forums, and found an answer from user JSA: https://www.warzone.com/Forum/6396-buh

I believe it would be helpful to have a brief explanation of the arrows on the main ladder wiki page https://www.warzone.com/wiki/Ladders , similar to a legend on a map.
Show the explanation of the arrows in the wiki: 2019-06-18 18:38:21

Level 64

Warzone Creator
Thanks for pointing this out. There used to be one on the page but it was accidentally removed in the Warzone redesign. I will fix this.

For anyone who finds this: They show the movement in the last week.

Edited 6/18/2019 18:38:46
Show the explanation of the arrows in the wiki: 2019-06-18 20:12:03

Level 61
It also shows what the arrows mean, at the bottom of the ranking page where you can click to the next page.
Show the explanation of the arrows in the wiki: 2019-06-20 01:01:56

Level 57
Thanks, chriger. I didn't see dat, doh!
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