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Starting picks in games w/ uneven teams: 2019-06-28 04:41:29

Level 62
Been bugging me for a while now. I've made a few levels w/ uneven teams. Let's say Small Earth 1 vs. 5 -- I against a team of 5 AIs. Now, I would expect to always get either 1st or 2nd pick, but that's not the case. I end up with any of my picks, even my 6th pick occasionally. Seems the algorithm ignores team randomizing when it sees uneven teams and randomizes individual players instead? Is that intended?
Starting picks in games w/ uneven teams: 2019-06-28 05:03:49

Level 64

Warzone Creator
Every player gets one territory before anyone gets their second, regardless of teams.
Starting picks in games w/ uneven teams: 2019-06-28 05:28:01

Level 62
Perhaps I wasn't clear.
W/ 1 territory given to each player, in a 3v3, the pick alternates between teams: AabBCc. But in a 1v5, it does NOT necessarily alternate, so I can get ABCDEa or ABCaDE or any position really (I expected either AaBCDE or aABCDE).
So, in a 3v3, either team has a 50% of getting 1st pick. And if it doesn't, it will get 2nd and 3rd.
But in a 1v5, the single guy seems to only have 1/6 chance of getting his 1st pick and 1/6 for his 2nd and so on.

Edited 6/28/2019 05:36:09
Starting picks in games w/ uneven teams: 2019-06-28 07:51:09

Level 58
The pick alternates between players, not teams. You'll be getting your 6th pick because the AIs chose your other picks as their firsts.
Starting picks in games w/ uneven teams: 2019-06-28 08:44:12

Level 68

I think he gets that, it’s exactly what he’s complaining about.
Starting picks in games w/ uneven teams: 2019-06-28 14:35:27

Level 62
Yes, I get it. My point is that for even teams, picks alternate first between TEAMS (and then, within teams, players). But in uneven teams, teams are ignored and the game is treated as FFA. Not complaining, but asking if there's a reason.

Edited 6/28/2019 14:37:07
Starting picks in games w/ uneven teams: 2019-06-28 15:34:22

Level 64

Warzone Creator
OK I understand now. But I don't see the behavior you describe. I just wrote a script to test this and out of 50 1v5 games, the 1 always got their first or second pick. I tested it with random move order. If you see a case where the 1 doesn't get their first or second pick, please report it at https://www.warzone.com/ReportBug and include steps to reproduce the issue.
Starting picks in games w/ uneven teams: 2019-06-28 16:12:09

Level 62

Small Earth
Players choose starting position
Random Warlords Dist’n
Max 1 territory per player

2 teams -- Human player vs. 5 AIs

Everything else default (move order – cyclic, etc)

Haven't published it because I'm not done w/ it, but it does what I describe.

I'll report it in the link you give.
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