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The Vacation System is frustrating me: 2019-07-17 20:41:16

Level 61
The fix for this is simple: ANY access of the game at all ends the vacation. Open the site at all? Open the app with an activate internet connection? Boom, clearly you're able to play, vacation over. Then there's no ambiguity about how the feature should work and no need for complex lists.

Waaaait... How do we stall CL then?
The Vacation System is frustrating me: 2019-07-17 21:08:38

Level 61
Sorry fizzer, I don't see your logic. Sometimes people just want to take a break from thinking about and playing the game even though they can access it. I don't see any reason to be denying that.
The Vacation System is frustrating me: 2019-07-17 21:57:59

Roi Joleil
Level 60
I can definetly remember there being a warning **once** that "this action will break your vacation". but thats also like a few years ago when it was warlight still i think and last time i accidentally commited there was definetly no such warning.

also Fizzer you make the sollution be so simple of just "dont log in".
but whats so difficult about simply putting a warning in when clearly everyone wants such a thing there?
The Vacation System is frustrating me: 2019-07-17 22:03:22

Master Meldarion 
Level 63
There's also a variety of circumstances that can make it hard to play; for instance last summer I had an orchestra tour; and in advance, you can't know where and when you'll have internet if you go to a series of different locations you have never been, in the first place I had great internet in the end, but my vacation was activated already and I didn't want to waste the rest of my days. In the second place there was no internet whatsoever and in the third I had to rush through turns and reactivate another vacation on quite crappy internet. After that I had no internet for the remainder of the tour that took overall 15 days, and when I returned home I was naturally exhausted, yet had to take all my turns within 12 hours, thus I saw no choice but to activate another vacation. Thus I lost 30 days of vacation time for a 15 day tour;

What min & cowboy said would be ideal, 50 days vacation instead of 5x10 days vacation; not only for times when you're away longer (and want to activate for 20 days at once), but especially for times when you aren't away but have different irl circumstances; if you're in 50 warzone games at once, and some turns require communication with team members or making certain agreements in a diplomacy game, while at the same time you need to study hard for an exam, you can't properly take all your turns, and being able to activate vacations for 1 day at a time, without losing 10 days of vacationing time would help in all circumstances.

I understand that the feature is really only meant to be used when you can't access the internet, but even taking that in account it'd be more fair to at least be able to activate it for the period you're gone instead of having the maximum set at 10 days.
The Vacation System is frustrating me: 2019-07-17 22:19:33

Level 63

I agree with you, that to some degree the feature is used in another fashion than intended.

Still it very often happens, that you are in a situation, in which you have internet, but lack time to d o a turn in all games especially, if you have (team) games against good players, in which you would like to think more than 30 seconds. And such situation occur much more often than having no internet for 10 days.

I think implementing a warning would help most of the players, esp. as after returning you need to make a turn in every game and it is smart to place the orders before pressing the button to get all turns in in time (and pressing the commit button by accident is annoying). Therefore, I think Plata suggestion is a good one which I hope could be implement without much work and would improve the wz experience of a lot of players.

Edited 7/17/2019 22:20:41
The Vacation System is frustrating me: 2019-07-17 22:35:53

Level 62
I'm asking for two simple changes that will make this system more user-friendly and I think solves most people's problems and we all leave happily ever after.

1. A list of what breaks a vacation and what you can do. You say it's complex, I call it is just this.

Things that break a vacation:

* Commitment of Orders
* Joining Games
* Possibly accepting surrender/surrendering?
* Posting On Forums/Chatting on Global Chat?
* Joining Tournaments?
* Playing Single Player?

All the rest does NOT break your vacation.

What's so complex about that? A few lines and it makes everyone's experience happy because we get clarity and straight to the point.

2. A Warning System

* If you commit on a game, you get a warning to make sure you know that committing breaks vacation. Prevents players from innocently committing turns as I previously elaborated. Some players get the warning, some players don't. Fix it to be always a warning message.

You do this, everyone is happy. It's easy and we have no problem. Instead, you want to make this a bigger problem needlessly saying it should be used in circumstances where you have no internet connection. Now the fact you're deliberately making this frustrating means I have to start a stupid philosophy debate because you can't do this simple fix and explain a more difficult fix which is frankly unrealistic which I will explain from my personal perspective in the next post.

Edited 7/17/2019 22:36:17
The Vacation System is frustrating me: 2019-07-17 23:11:29

Level 62
The fix for this is simple: ANY access of the game at all ends the vacation. Open the site at all? Open the app with an activate internet connection? Boom, clearly you're able to play, vacation over. Then there's no ambiguity about how the feature should work and no need for complex lists.

The great solution from the messiah, like the bible too bloody wrong and here's why...

This solution only works if you play automatic distribution templates that have no strategic value for the most part and would be classed as brainless play.. Brainless play can easily be done in one sitting at the end of vacation and you have that extra hour to do it all and tadah you're happy as a dog.

Since you have made this game to be competitive and you have multiple formats promoting competitive play (1v1 2v2 3v3 ladders), You're going to have players who are competitive on your site who will need to take their time playing on the game. This is why I'm born on your site. You brought me here daddy and I'm your little happy accident causing you a headache.

For someone like me, I play team games and I generally play to a high level cause I take my time playing. Statistics wise I'm up there to a relatively top enough level for team games. So for me to do team games in one sitting is impossible, I would have to sacrifice the quality of moves since I can't co-ordinate with team-mates. The 1v1 games it's possible to do this but team games, don't even start. Have you played team games Fizzer? If so, you should understand where I'm coming at.

It's impossible to abuse vacations like for me to "abuse a vacation" is to gain an advantage. I don't think that's possible and if it is that's a bloody rare situation whereby stalling all your games is going to work. You leave ladders automatically to activate vacations and you can't vacation individual games, it's either you vacation all games or not. So where's the area for abusing the feature for an advantage?

I trust the players when they vacation have very valid reasons for vacationing and it's none of my business what for.. It could be death to a family to not feeling mentally up for it, hell even if they wanted to take a shit in the toilet they can go for it. Everyone has a good intention for vacationing if they feel they can't commit to their games for whatever reason and I think that's grounds for a vacation and not to be labeled as "abuse".

Edited 7/17/2019 23:14:02
The Vacation System is frustrating me: 2019-07-18 00:05:42

Level 61
The word "please" was used a total of 0 times in this thread so far.
The Vacation System is frustrating me: 2019-07-18 03:19:22

Skaarfungandr the Mighty
Level 58
Documenting the vacations is a separate issue from how they are used. Warnings about breaking vacation would be useful, regardless of the intended usage.

There's plenty of reasons to take a vacation beyond the internet connection thing. I feel like Fizzer said "ANY access of the game at all ends the vacation" because they weren't used as intended, rather than documentation. I'm not in favor of that myself. If you did do it, an inbetween page discontinuing vacation and enabling game access with a checkbox would be neat. Then people would get a reminder before breaking their vacations.

I think I agree with Rento in spirit, but not in practicum. I guess I wasted a post if I basically agreed with Krunx. :/
The Vacation System is frustrating me: 2019-07-18 05:32:10

Level 63
Single player should be accessible to players on vacation. It’s possible to play this without internet connection anyway, so why should player on vacation be denied this option?

Should only be multiplayer that breaks vacations once the player joins a game (manually), commits (manually/autopilot), surrenders, accepts a surrender, votes to end, joins/declines a tournament or chats (in a game/tournament).

Auto-commit and automatic game joining definitely shouldn’t break a vacation. Anything else not mentioned in this post shouldn’t cause a vacation to end either.
The Vacation System is frustrating me: 2019-07-18 08:37:45

Sakata Gintoki
Level 58
It seems that the warning feature was removed. Never took a vacation for a long time and didn't know what is there now.
The Vacation System is frustrating me: 2019-07-18 09:20:26

Bored of Warzone
Level 58
The Vacation system frustrated me too. Is there anyone who would fix it?
The Vacation System is frustrating me: 2019-07-19 15:06:42

Level 64
A fool taking a vacation and preventing the game from progressing for the other players is frustrating indeed.
The Vacation System is frustrating me: 2019-07-19 18:37:07

Level 63
^Play RT or MD without vacations honoured.
The Vacation System is frustrating me: 2019-07-19 19:09:40

The Joey
Level 59
- downvoted post by Bored of Warzone
The Vacation System is frustrating me: 2019-07-21 04:20:02

Master Cowboy 
Level 60
@The Joey

This has been on uservoice for 7 years. Fizzer even responded and said it was a good idea, but it wasn't important enough.


Uservoice is pointless because fizzer almost ignores it entirely.
The Vacation System is frustrating me: 2019-07-21 08:32:10

Bored of Warzone
Level 58
Thanos, indeed you are being nice!

Edited 7/21/2019 09:44:50
The Vacation System is frustrating me: 2019-07-23 19:45:41

Master Cowboy 
Level 60
This thread shall not die!
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