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Surrender Tutorial: 2019-07-30 10:34:14

Level 58
Must I really go through the surrender tutorial every time I get booted from a game? I've played 2000 of the damn things, I don't need to go through the bloody tutorial every time >_>
Surrender Tutorial: 2019-07-30 11:17:08

Roi Joleil
Level 60
that might come as a shock to you.. surrender your games.
Surrender Tutorial: 2019-07-30 11:29:05

Level 61
Surrender Tutorial: 2019-07-30 11:48:31

Level 61
Can we make the tutorial a bit more challenging? I'm getting bored of it.
Surrender Tutorial: 2019-07-30 12:09:00

Level 59
I think we need "Anger Management" tutorial as well.

Tristan, take a trip to Off-topic and find a suitable thread to express your concern with like-minded people. I do think occasional off-topic visitors have pretty good boot-rate. They should understand your concern much better than we do. "Birds of a feather flock together".
Surrender Tutorial: 2019-07-30 12:09:44

Level 60
Very well said...
Surrender Tutorial: 2019-07-30 15:57:53

Clint Eastwood 
Level 59
quit gettin booted noob
Surrender Tutorial: 2019-07-30 16:44:25

Skaarfungandr the Mighty
Level 58
"Don't get booted, blah blah." That's la-err, easy pickings. Same answer applies whether you have 1% or 25% boot rate.

I've never run into this magical surrender tutorial thing; it must only appear to people who boot frequently. Technically speaking, a notification might be more relevant than a tutorial. We ignore notifications all the time. So an annoyance like a tutorial is really the best Fizzer can probably do - people can already opt to exclude you from games. Warlight is affected a lot less by afking than many other styles of game. So there isn't a point in dedicating a lot of resources to figuring out a better solution. Its a lot less serious than Chess/MOBAs or even CCGs, and closer to a FPS in terms of game importance. (Usually casual, very easy to match up, Rating almost never matters.)

The goal is to swing the players who can be positively influenced in the right direction, and minimize the damage from the others. Without truncating the playerbase.

Unless you boot on team games, idgaf.
Surrender Tutorial: 2019-07-30 21:39:43

Level 57
If you get booted because you don't have time for all the games you join, be careful which games you join. If you just stop taking your turns at a certain point, then surrender when that happens. If you're not going to surrender or take your turn, you have to put up with the surrender tutorial.
Surrender Tutorial: 2019-07-30 21:59:35

The Joey
Level 59
I don't know about you guys, but there is nothing in this game that makes me more pissed off than people who regularly boot. Especially in real time games. Where I have to wait for the timer to run out to see if my opponent is going make their move or if they will boot. That is 5 minutes of my life, I will never get back, all because some self-centered player has decided to just leave the game without surrendering. Don't get me wrong, I understand that on occasion everyone will have an accidental boot due to an unfortunate or unforeseen event. But if you are getting booted 25% of the time, that is not an accident, that is a pattern. I especially hate it, when I immediately see that same booted player in the que for a new game.

IMO The surrender tutorial doesn't go far enough to disincentives booting. I wouldn't mind seeing something like Rocket League get instituted where if you boot you are not allowed to enter a new game for a predefined amount of time.

Edited 7/30/2019 22:04:01
Surrender Tutorial: 2019-07-31 13:43:32

Level 58
that might come as a shock to you.. surrender your games.

I'm not even going to bother crediting that with a response.

I think we need "Anger Management" tutorial as well.

Tristan, take a trip to Off-topic and find a suitable thread to express your concern with like-minded people. I do think occasional off-topic visitors have pretty good boot-rate. They should understand your concern much better than we do. "Birds of a feather flock together".

I was hardly angry. I apologise if it came across that way, but I was just irritated.
The surrender tutorial is relevant to the game, so it belongs in General and not Off-Topic.

I've never run into this magical surrender tutorial thing; it must only appear to people who boot frequently. Technically speaking, a notification might be more relevant than a tutorial. We ignore notifications all the time. So an annoyance like a tutorial is really the best Fizzer can probably do - people can already opt to exclude you from games.

Indeed, I can understand the significance of the surrender tutorial, I just don't feel it's necessary to put me through it every time I get booted from a game. If I've passed the tutorial once, then I already know how to surrender and don't need to be taught how over and over again. I just wish it would switch off after it's been completed once.

If you get booted because you don't have time for all the games you join, be careful which games you join. If you just stop taking your turns at a certain point, then surrender when that happens. If you're not going to surrender or take your turn, you have to put up with the surrender tutorial.

When I joined the game in question (several months ago), I had plenty of time. I couldn't guarantee that I'd always have the time for it, but it was a relatively safe bet. Like I said to Frozen Koala, I just wish it would switch off after it's been completed once.

I don't know about you guys, but there is nothing in this game that makes me more pissed off than people who regularly boot. Especially in real time games. Where I have to wait for the timer to run out to see if my opponent is going make their move or if they will boot. That is 5 minutes of my life, I will never get back, all because some self-centered player has decided to just leave the game without surrendering. Don't get me wrong, I understand that on occasion everyone will have an accidental boot due to an unfortunate or unforeseen event. But if you are getting booted 25% of the time, that is not an accident, that is a pattern. I especially hate it, when I immediately see that same booted player in the que for a new game.

Yeah, that's pretty much why I don't bother with RT games; I often wander off to make a cup of tea or something and completely forget that the timer is running D:

On the bright side, the boots have slimmed 40 games down to 5.

Thanks for the replies anyway, it's just a pity that I'm going to be subjected to a patronising tutorial every time I'm 5 minutes late in taking my turn D:<
Surrender Tutorial: 2019-07-31 14:37:00

Roi Joleil
Level 60
"Indeed, I can understand the significance of the surrender tutorial, I just don't feel it's necessary to put me through it every time I get booted from a game. If I've passed the tutorial once, then I already know how to surrender and don't need to be taught how over and over again. I just wish it would switch off after it's been completed once."

you clearly dont get the point of what its trying to do. its mainly there TO annoy people so they will think "huh ok i just surrender instead of getting booted". its point isnt rly to teach you the surrender function (however it also has that effect to never players ofcourse) but rather to punish you and annoy you for so long that you will surrender.

being like "oh this annoys me so much" what do you think you are making other people feel like with your bootrate? they get annoyed in waiting. so dont try to play the victim. if it annoys you it literally only takes you 3 clicks to surrender.
Surrender Tutorial: 2019-07-31 14:45:56

Level 28
Surrender Tutorial: 2019-07-31 14:50:24

Level 61
Surrender Tutorial: 2019-07-31 21:39:03

The Joey
Level 59
+1 Joi179
Surrender Tutorial: 2019-08-03 15:25:51

Skaarfungandr the Mighty
Level 58
"IMO The surrender tutorial doesn't go far enough to disincentives booting. I wouldn't mind seeing something like Rocket League get instituted where if you boot you are not allowed to enter a new game for a predefined amount of time. "

This would be an interesting idea. It would help to know more about boot stats though. For instance - how often people get booted from games, and how often they were close/winning rather than losing. Most of my personal boots are from RT games I literally forgot about. But I'm probably not in the majority.

To be clear, I'm not going to rag on Tristan about booting. His question was about why there's a recurring boot tutorial. So jumping his butt for booting doesn't answer the question. Even if I think that boot rate is rather excessive. Most likely, Fizzer didn't think he needed layered punishments for booting, so didn't bother.

There's a good argument about the time wasted. Personally I tend to tab out between moves unless things move quickly, or start another game early if they seem to be booting. If they boot, that's a free win. If I wanted a competitive match, then I would only care if a strong opponent booted. This isn't a MOBA where you are forced to wait a match out for much longer than 5 minutes, and are punished if you do anything else yourself.

Speaking of which. Joi, if you're mad at people who don't surrender, are you now in favor of my methods? ;)

edit: Iirc, a lot of diplo players boot. The games I've seen often stall out with a ton of arguing in the chats. Casual tournaments also get held up by people who quit or just aren't around for the next game. So more nuances to look at in boot stats.

Edited 8/3/2019 15:30:07
Surrender Tutorial: 2019-08-03 15:31:09

Level 61
Surrender Tutorial: 2019-08-03 15:31:26

Level 62
Surrender Tutorial: 2019-08-03 15:48:27

Roi Joleil
Level 60

Someone that doesnt surrender and boots annoys me far less than someone who doesnt surrender and boots *and then* makes a rant about how annoying the surrender tutorial is and plays the poor victim of a bad system wich is simply his own fault.
Surrender Tutorial: 2019-08-03 15:49:23

Level 61
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