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Awesome Fantasy Map Generator!: 2019-08-01 01:01:07

Level 62

I found this awesome fantasy map generator, that will generate Land, political, cultural, heightmap, rivers, cities, regions, hex layer.

You can save your map in svg file or auto open it on inkscape to redit.
Awesome Fantasy Map Generator!: 2019-08-02 04:24:35

Level 50
thanks for the great find Lionheart. It's really cool that it makes instant maps.

My question is (and I'm a total novice to both inkscape and map making so if this is obvious, please forgive the ignorance), is when I open it as an svg file and open it in inkscape, its one giant object (image) and I have no idea how to parse/break it up into smaller objects to define as territories/bonus links for warzone map creation?

Do I treat it as an image and trace/draw over it or is there some easier process I can follow to make use of the great tool? The generator is definitely better than anything I can come up with to the best of my current technical drawing ability, so I'd like to incorporate usage if possible as I develop my map making abilities

Edited 8/2/2019 04:25:12
Awesome Fantasy Map Generator!: 2019-08-02 13:24:33

Level 62
Hi Jose, thanks for your answer and interest of making maps!
Also You have a good question btw!
Its not necessary to redraw the map, there's a simple way to make maps using this file.
I'll try to make a tutorial video to explain how to make maps with this generator answering all your questions. Then we could use this thread for a helping process!
I'll come back soon!
Awesome Fantasy Map Generator!: 2019-08-03 10:55:09

Level 50
I look forward to the video, if making it is too complicated, note a step-by-step written documentation also works for me.
Awesome Fantasy Map Generator!: 2019-08-06 22:31:30

Level 62
Hey Jose!

The following video can help you a lot!

It's a video maded by Ninjanic (A guy who inspired me):


Also you can learn a bit more in the WZ wiki/Map Making:


So you can save your chosen sgv file from the Map generator and work on that using these links.

Edited 8/6/2019 22:52:00
Awesome Fantasy Map Generator!: 2019-08-07 16:05:57

Level 62
Cool videos for Azgaar Editing Tutorial:



Edited 8/7/2019 16:16:50
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