The Format
The league will be on 3v3 EU (example game: and will have seasons with divisions. In season 1, divisions were made as evenly as possible, and those results decided this seasons divisions. Teams that register this season will be put in Division III, or may be separated among qualifiers if there are a lot of new teams. Because of drop outS from Division I and II, one or two teams that registers this season may be placed in Division II, and one team currently set for Division II may be moved up. All non-qualifying divisions are set to 4 teams max, and all qualifying divisions will have a 5 team cap. From each non-qualifier, 1 team will promote and 1 will demote (or in Division I one team will be named champion and one will demote).
The Rules
- The tournament will be played on 3v3 EU, and players will enter as a team.
- Alts are not allowed
- Games will have 3 day auto-boot, with honored vacations.
How to Join
To register to join the league, leave a comment with your team members (link profiles please) and a team name, preferably with a 3-letter abbreviation to make sheets and score keeping easier.
Example: Person A, B, and C will join the league. Our team name is Purple Schnurple Bananas, or PSB for short.
If you would like to join, but don't have teammates to play with, leave a comment inviting other to join your team. We'll help match you with other players looking for a team if needed.
For returning teams - I will message registrants if I'm unsure about your participation in the next few days. If you see this thread and are dropping out or switching a player, please let me know ahead of time (it's easier for me). If you've already told me then you don't need to tell me again.
The Schedule
Registration will be open until Wednesday, August 14th. Tournaments will be created 3 days after, as well as an official sheet. If tournaments have started but you'd still like to join, you can still respond to this post, and you'll be added to the next season. As soon as all tournament results are decided, we will release the divisions for the following season, and start the next season within 1-2 weeks.
Current DivisionsDivision ISpastic Piano Elucidates (Frozen Koala, Platinum, Stales78)
Maximum Elvish Penguins (Max, Meldarion, Olja) was (Max, Meldarion, Waddles)
Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (DanWL, J_Dog33340, Viking1007) was (DanWL, huddyj, Viking1007)
Dinochicken Nugget Storks(Checkmqte, Dimitris_Wingo, TianO) was (Checkmqte, MGO, TianO)
Division IIVarangian Guard (Cossack Black, Diestramanos, koso)
Barcode Zebra People ({101st}Syphen, IRiseYouFall, Tristan)
Min Sucks (-B, [Empty], Great Expanse) was (-B, Cowboy, Great Expanse)
[Empty] (Was Corp Clan Comrades)
LinksLast Season's Thread you have any questions, leave them in the comments and I'll respond to clarify. Hope everyone has a good time, and best of luck!
Edited 8/11/2019 00:58:11