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Mods bug: 2019-08-19 22:32:54

Level 55
I made a game earlier (8 players) with a mod, and I enabled the option that allows non members to join for free, I hosted the game and a player joined then left, I got bored of waiting so I deleted the game. but I can only let non members join a mod game once a week. the game didn't even start and now I can't enable the option that allows non members to join for free. is this a bug or very much intended?
Mods bug: 2019-08-19 22:39:03

Level 64

Warzone Creator
It's a very simple system. Basically there's a flag on your account that says "I created my free mod game". When you create it, it sets the flag to true. Then every sunday every account gets that flag set back to false. If you delete the game, it isn't smart enough to know that was the game that set the flag, so it doesn't have the ability to reset it.
Mods bug: 2019-08-19 23:11:02

Level 64

Warzone Creator
I also manually reset your flag now so you have this week's again.
Mods bug: 2019-08-20 20:51:25

Level 55
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