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diplomacy card for 2 turns only works for 1 turn: 2019-08-25 13:16:25

Level 58
I'm in a game (GameID=18284640) and in the settings it says the diplomacy card works for 2 turns. But allready for a few moves it says it only works for 1 move: On move 88 I play the card so it should work for moves 89 and 90, but is says I can start attacking on move 90. So I have to play one the move after that, move 89 to prevent that. And now it says I can start attacking from move 91.
This ruins my game strategy. I calculated I could hold one opponent long enough to get rid of the other one, but now that is no longer the case
diplomacy card for 2 turns only works for 1 turn: 2019-08-25 18:38:14

Level 63
Because the game is still in progress and there is card fog, it’s impossible to tell at this point.

Full game link is http://warzone.com/multiplayer?GameID=18284640.
In the settings, diplomacy card should last for 2 turns.

I assume by “move” you mean “turn”.

Which turn did you play the card on in your example?

Edited 8/25/2019 18:41:00
diplomacy card for 2 turns only works for 1 turn: 2019-08-26 07:23:06

Level 58
as I said. I played the card on turn 88 so it should work for turn 89 and 90. But it said I could attack again from turn 90. Normally I should only have been able to attack from turn 91 on.

With 8 cards I should be able to hold the opponent of for 16 moves, now it is only 8 moves
diplomacy card for 2 turns only works for 1 turn: 2019-08-26 12:32:53

Roi Joleil
Level 61
you can always attack any territorie if you diploed him or not. however the attack may not take place. if you attack person XY while you are still diploed with him nothing will happen. you can make the attack but you wont take it. what can happened tho is that person YZ takes the territorie befor your attack happens. then you would take the territorie as you are not diploed with the person who took it. thats why you can always attack.

Edited 8/26/2019 12:33:30
diplomacy card for 2 turns only works for 1 turn: 2019-08-26 12:59:34

Level 57
Adding to what Joi179 wrote - if you are troubled that the diplo card expires at turn 90, as said by the window "Active Cards", then don't. Cards expire at the end of a turn, so the diploed player cannot attack you on turn 90
if you played a diplo card on him on turn 88.
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