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How to report someone for stalling?: 2019-08-29 07:57:49

Level 59

please read chat of this game, it is a big map and multi day, game can go on for months, this is not fair. Players like this should be blacklisted by everyone.
How to report someone for stalling?: 2019-08-29 07:59:06

Level 63
Stalling isn't against official rules, as far as i'm aware (falls under player taking to long to make their turn, which is ignored).
How to report someone for stalling?: 2019-08-29 08:01:47

Level 62
How to report someone for stalling?: 2019-08-29 10:19:30

Level 59
Can people at least blacklist these two players please?
How to report someone for stalling?: 2019-08-29 10:35:10

Level 64
I don't really consider what they're doing to be that bad. They're simply putting your team in its place for demanding they surrender before they were ready to. This is just a display of bad etiquette on both sides.

I don't know the game situation exactly, however, everyone knows commander games are the easiest to squander a lead in. Just ask Jackie Treehorn https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=11959828
How to report someone for stalling?: 2019-08-29 10:50:56

Level 59
Game was very obviously over, and i asked politely, no reason for then to have a tantrum
How to report someone for stalling?: 2019-08-29 10:52:10

Level 59
also nice to seeJackie Treehorn was a good sport about his loss
How to report someone for stalling?: 2019-08-29 12:08:56

Level 28
They're not even stalling.
How to report someone for stalling?: 2019-08-29 12:36:47

Level 55
why don't you report yourself for bullying? don't bother telling folks how you demanded our surrender and thought your time more valuable than ours. your pathetic.
How to report someone for stalling?: 2019-08-29 13:35:28

Level 59
I agree with Xenophon, asking someone to surrender is not good. I've been asked to surrender before and I don't like it so I normally make the person play the game to the end and defeat me.
That being said, I do HATE it when someone starts stalling because they are losing.
How to report someone for stalling?: 2019-08-29 13:46:43

Level 59
sorry StickyIcky (nice name btw) i didnt mean to offend, i dont think my first message was bullying you in the slightest. play the game, i wont send anymore messages
How to report someone for stalling?: 2019-09-02 23:21:57

Level 61
You want to 'blacklist' us for not surrendering on turn 3? And I never stalled the entire match, btw, so screw you Elo!
How to report someone for stalling?: 2019-09-03 02:32:39

Level 59
That in-game chat belongs in a "How not to de-escalate a fight" course.
How to report someone for stalling?: 2019-09-03 02:45:27

Level 63
Isn't this a simple matter of: you can never force someone to surrender? If they want to play a clearly lost game out to the end, so be it. It's not nice, it's not smart (waste of time for them as well), but it's their right. Right?

I had to play out a huge GoT map game using LD where moves took 20-30 mins b/c of the damn LD that was over at 35. It ended up going to a move #is the high 70's. Was boring as hell, and the result was clear from probably move 30, definitely from over 35. But so be it.

And it's really nothing especially applicable to Warzone. Same thing applies to chess, checkers, Stratego, Go, etc. And in each case, it's annoying, but it's still that person's right to be difficult and waste your time.

And maybe, just maybe, they don't even know they've totally lost already. That is a bit more applicable to Warzone than the other games as it has fog of war, so your opponent may not actually know they've lost. I've played games up to 15-20 moves, only the check the history and realize I lost at turn 3-5. But if it's all happening in the fog, people just may honestly not know.
How to report someone for stalling?: 2019-09-03 02:46:36

Level 63
Its just sickening. I have added him to BL. He says in chat he is doing it on purpose to waste time.
How to report someone for stalling?: 2019-09-03 02:47:38

Level 63
Is there a personal blacklist on this site?
How to report someone for stalling?: 2019-09-03 02:59:02

Level 59
@krinid: You mean like a shared one? Or are you just asking about the block list functionality? (https://www.warzone.com/wiki/Block_list) Warzone lets you block people but it doesn't really do anything meaningful unless they're actively stalking your or something. Doesn't work/hasn't worked as a mechanism to avoid toxic players.

It's one thing if your opponent asks you to surrender and you think you have a shot. But if you're actually losing and you keep playing just to annoy your opponent or out of a sense of wounded honor, wasting your own time as much as theirs, then you must be a child.
How to report someone for stalling?: 2019-09-03 04:59:38

Level 63
Totally agree with you Knyte ... it takes a pretty small person to do that, but there are a lot of small people in the world.

Especially when it takes just a little effort on their part and a lot of effort on your part. eg: large map with many bonuses & LD - if they only have a few bonuses (they're losing), their moves could take 1 min, but if you have 50+ bonuses (you're winning on a large map), it's dreadful!

But some get pleasure out of it. I've actually seen 1 guy surrender because of it despite having the largest income and best position in the game. He just wasn't willing to put in the time and effort to beat everyone, notably the players who were losing but just wouldn't resign.

Really though, this is more of a cautionary tale about using LD on huge maps than anything else, especially without airlift cards. Even when you don't have an annoying opponent like this, the moves can take >=30 mins once you have a huge number of bonuses and several fronts you need to send units to.
How to report someone for stalling?: 2019-09-03 08:41:23

Level 64
There is a lesson to be learnt from all of this. Never tell a noob with a chip on his shoulder that the game is over. Congrats to team X for producing the most toxic game chat I've seen in a while.
How to report someone for stalling?: 2019-09-03 09:49:30

Level 59
I like how none of the participants of that chat actually knows how "In 3 pieces for 20% of the number of territories held (minimum 1 piece per turn)" works.
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