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Clan League 12 Official Thread: 2019-11-20 15:56:12

Level 62
Could we have an update on the templates, please?

I said please so you have to now.
Clan League 12 Official Thread: 2019-11-20 20:42:14

Master Cowboy 
Level 60
Sorry, everyone. The template panel has been slow and I've been sick. I'll get to you on the templates soon enough.
Clan League 12 Official Thread: 2019-11-21 01:32:34

Level 61
Plat you ungrateful brat, please stop harassing our sick CL overlord who so selflessly volunteers his time.
Thank you.
Clan League 12 Official Thread: 2019-11-21 07:52:10

Level 60
Keep harassing him, else he gets what he wants
Clan League 12 Official Thread: 2019-11-21 15:08:47

Level 62
Says please with a friendly innocent cute joke.

Everyone else "Haha, The clan league is an AI because it booted, as it's behind schedule"

All Fivestar sees: PlAt Oh My GoD hOw DaRe YoU HaRaSs CoWgIrL"

Clan League 12 Official Thread: 2019-11-21 17:50:29

Beren Erchamion 
Level 64
Platinum, I don't know why you're getting your knickers in a twist. He said thank you.
Clan League 12 Official Thread: 2019-11-21 20:26:08

Level 61
Wow plat how dare you assume cowboy's gender in this progressionist age? Ethics panel, I'd like to bring before you a case of sexual harassment..
Clan League 12 Official Thread: 2019-11-21 23:33:06

Level 65
All right everyone, this is the shortlist of templates selected by the panel:

3v3s (2 templates will be played)
Deadman's ROR
Europa Magna
If the two INSS templates (Biomes and Europa Magna) finish #1 and #2, the #2 will be dropped and replaced by the #3.

2v2s (3 templates will be played)
Greater Middle East
Strat MME
Unicorn Island
Volcano Island

1v1s (6 templates will be played)
Battle Islands V
Blitzkrieg Bork
French Brawl
Macedonia No Split
Phobia WR
Strat Greece
Strat MME
Timid Land


All clans leaders in Group A and B are now asked to vote on templates. To eliminate strategic voting, voting will be done by assigning templates with a value on 1-5 (5 for most liked and 1 for least liked). The templates with the most points will be chosen. Ties will be broken by the template panel.

To vote, clan leaders need to send a PM to Cowboy:
Their mail must contain the complete list of templates selected by the panel, with a number between 1 and 5 after the name of each template.
Deadline is December 1st.
Clan League 12 Official Thread: 2019-11-22 00:55:51

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62

Edited 11/22/2019 01:17:28
Clan League 12 Official Thread: 2019-11-22 01:46:19

Level 65
Since there have been several complaints already (and I'm sure there will be more in the next few days), I'd like to explain why the template panel excluded some popular templates like 3v3 Europe and 2v2 Final Earth from the shortlist.

It's quite simple actually. When we were selected as members of the panel, we were asked by Cowboy to bring more variety to the league. So we did just that, we removed the overplayed templates and replaced them by some fresh ones.

Complaint: The panel's job was only to prune templates and remove the non-strategic ones. You overstepped by not allowing some well-liked templates to be voted on by the community.
We didn't. We simply followed the guidelines set by the person in charge of this CL.
Besides, when the number of good templates was superior to the number of templates allowed in the shortlist, we had to make some choices anyway.

Complaint: 3v3 Europe is the most strategic 3v3 template, you cannot exclude it from the list. The other templates are not strategic enough to replace it.
As proven by the frequent discussions about random move order or WR, there's no consensus among players on what is strategic and what is not.
Some players might disagree but the opinion of this panel is that Biomes, Deadman's ROR, Europa Magna and India are all good skill-based templates. We believe that people will enjoy playing them, and that in the end, the most skilled teams will win.

Complaint: 3v3 Europe is the most liked 3v3 template, you cannot exclude it.
Yes we can. Just because people vote for 3v3 Europe doesn't mean that they like 3v3 Europe more than other templates
If you're asked to choose between Europe, a template you play regularly on the 3v3 ladder, and India, a template you've never played before, chances are you're going to vote Europe because it's more familiar. It's possible that you would enjoy India more, but you'll never find out if you keep playing Europe over and over again.
Besides, while you can find plenty of 1v1 competitions on Warzone, it's way more difficult to find 3v3 competitions. With the exception of the 3v3 ladder, Clan League is perhaps the only event where you can play 3v3 games competitively. So why choose Europe on CL too, season after season?
If you really want to play 3v3 Europe, we're not stopping you. You can play the 3v3 ladder, it's free.

Anyway, we understand that not everyone is happy with our shortlist. But change is not always a bad thing, and we believe that the templates we pre-selected will make this Clan League more interesting and exciting for all the players.
So take a closer look at these templates and cast your votes! :)


While I'm at it, I see that the voting system isn't clear for everyone.
Let me explain: all div A and div B clan leaders have to rate EVERY template of the shortlist between 1 point (hate it) and 5 points (love it) and send the complete list to Cowboy by PM.

Here's an example:

Biomes 1
Deadman's ROR 5
Europa Magna 3
India 3

China 1
Greater Middle East 4
Strat MME 5
Szeurope 5
Unicorn Island 1
Volcano Island 2

Biomes 1
Battle Islands V 5
Blitzkrieg Bork 5
French Brawl 3
Landria 2
Macedonia No Split 1
Malvia 4
Phobia WR 4
Strat Greece 3
Strat MME 1
Timid Land 5
Tor-ture 1

Once all the votes are tallied, the templates with the larger number of points will be the ones played during CL12.
Clan League 12 Official Thread: 2019-11-22 08:22:31

[V.I.W] recruiting time! Join us !
Level 65
I get your points but It s big break from tradition.

And It s another hit to Eu and a push for Ror.
Im not sure that variety and Ror can be' used in the same positive sentence.

( just kidding. I feel this Cl will be' like chess with Camels )
Clan League 12 Official Thread: 2019-11-22 13:42:09

Level 61
Is VS not playing? That's a surprise.
Clan League 12 Official Thread: 2019-11-22 16:00:11

Level 62
Death to the template panel!
Clan League 12 Official Thread: 2019-11-22 16:42:09

Level 62
If that's the command of our lord and saviour to have variety on templates shall be respected but that principle can only work if it's consistent on all the formats.

Goodbye EU :/

Edited 11/22/2019 17:00:18
Clan League 12 Official Thread: 2019-11-22 16:55:42

Level 62
I find it strange that 101st and Lynx are allowed to vote for the same pool of templates.

How can you justify this logic I am very curious..

This questions the integrity and fairness of the template voting process.

Edited 11/22/2019 16:56:58
Clan League 12 Official Thread: 2019-11-22 17:45:16

Level 59
@Plat I think the bigger question there is why purchasing a second clan tag allows you to have two teams in CL to begin with. Either they should only get one slot, or any other clan should be able to submit multiple teams if they wish.

(no hate towards 101st/Lynx, it just seems arbitrary)
Clan League 12 Official Thread: 2019-11-22 18:00:25

Level 62
The main issue for me is they need to all have the same clan icon. It is really confusing as to who you are playing. They should have lynx or 101st logos, not both.
Clan League 12 Official Thread: 2019-11-22 20:57:40

Master Cowboy 
Level 60
I'm a might to busy to really respond to anything. That being said I didn't tell them how to pick, I just told them to consider variety when picking templates. I thought adding any actual parameters would be pushing my preferences onto the panel. Which isn't my intention.
They took it farther than I thought they would, I figured it'd be picking a Greece 1v1 over a Guiroma 1v1 or a Landria 2v2 over a Guiroma 2v2 for instance. They instead took it to a fuller extent, but as long as they don't pick anything inherently bad, I myself don't have much problem with it.
The Clan League Panel is discussing it further, but I'm quite busy, so don't expect much from me.

Regarding, lynx/101st, precedent has already set that this is a nonissue. Feel free to build a time machine and bother the old administration rather than me.
Clan League 12 Official Thread: 2019-11-22 22:45:01

Level 63
I have neither an issue with how this was done nor with the fact that 3v3 Europe is not up for the vote.

edit: so thanks for the work, guys & girls! =)

Edited 11/22/2019 22:45:38
Clan League 12 Official Thread: 2019-11-23 15:41:38

Sakata Gintoki
Level 58
Any chance of including 3v3 Europe for template voting?
Also add Volcano Islands 2v2 template (from https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer/Tournament?ID=30865) in the sheet. It is missing.
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