Christmas Map 2019: 2019-10-15 20:33:40 |
Level 60
Hi all,
Usually at this time of the year I would be announcing a test version of this year’s Christmas Celabrations Map!
However sadly this year I am instead announcing that I will no longer be making the usual Christmas themed map - Quite simply this is due to the fact that following several different work and home commitments changing, I no longer have the time to put into making a Christmas map.
Sure I could quickly whip something together, but I feel this would be a let down to some of the recent higher quality Christmas maps that I have made (Christmas 2016 and 2017 I am looking at you).
I know some people have come to love the annual novelty map, however I feel it best to end the Christmas Celabrations series on a high rather than for it to fade away.
Everyone is welcome to have a go at a Christmas map of their own by all means, I know Bane has given it a go in the past (if you can call it a Christmas map?!)
As always though, Merry Christmas from Skunk940 :)
Christmas Map 2019: 2019-10-15 20:36:26 |
Level 64
Edited 10/15/2019 20:37:25
Christmas Map 2019: 2019-10-15 20:37:13 |
Level 60
who's Bane? All I see is Thanos
Christmas Map 2019: 2019-10-15 23:30:29 |
Level 60
Happy New Year!