Blitz discovered today that the community scumlords, ONE!, is trying to poach from us. As MH has taught us in the past, poachers should be taught a lesson.
As a religious man I tried to practice forgiveness. I then consulted with BibleBot, he had this to say:
Be on your guard, so that you do not lose what we have worked for, but may receive a full reward.
After much thought I have decided that BibleBot wants Blitz to go to war. A crusade, if you will, against the evil ONE! Clan.
I now issue this challenge to ONE! Come out of the shadows and battle us like men. We will show you what Clan League C is made of!
I hate you all,
Blitz has been wronged! We demand satisfaction!: 2019-10-16 18:56:59
I'm very disappointed and shocked by the poaching ONE is commiting. Why not commit an even graver sin and poach murtle and timon92 as part of a package deal? Shame on you!
Blitz has been wronged! We demand satisfaction!: 2019-10-16 19:25:38