is there ever going to be a 100-150 player limit?: 2019-11-04 23:54:39 |
Level 60
You can set players (only you see the color you set tho) to a color of your liking during the game.
list of players>player name>change color> change it to color of your liking.
It will say this ----------> You can change the color that (the player's name goes here) appears as. This change only affects your own computer; other players will still see this player's true color. This is useful if you're having a hard time telling their color apart from others.
Edited 11/4/2019 23:56:43
is there ever going to be a 100-150 player limit?: 2019-11-05 00:05:55 |
[CH] Shiriru94
Level 54
I think in a game beyond 40 there it need some mods beside the host. And also the host with his mods should be able to decide which color to assign to which player - Also good in huge diplo games where you build alliance: similar colors to the same alliance (mod in this case to a alliance leader)