STATS ~5 coin Raffles ~50 coin Raffles
Average 4,71 54,82
Median 5,00 55,00
Max 8 69
Min 2 42
Number counted 51 99
Range 6 27
^^ current stats for the gathered data, that should be more than enough. As a result of that, I will no langer be gathering any data regarding normal or big Raffles.
As far as I know, only 1 MEGA Raffles has occured (210 coins, won by TBest), but rumors have been spread that TBest won another MEGA Raffle as well.
I don't think it is doable to gather data on them, since they are to big to properly analyze with only a couple data points.
A proper conclusion to the Raffle project will come later.
Edited 4/27/2020 23:12:47