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what do you think of this guys name...: 2020-01-04 10:18:41

Level 59
hi all,

just wondering what you think of this guy: https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=74114191260

i'm in a game with him and in chat her referring to auschwitz and calling inappropriate stuff (or at least that's what i think)

never made a 'report' before, but this guy deserves one, in my opinion. what's your thought?
what do you think of this guys name...: 2020-01-04 11:05:42

Level 63
Hi bas_,

Could you post the game link so we can have a look at the chat?

Also, if you feel a Adolf Hitler has crossed the line with what he/she said in chat, do not hesitate to report this player.
You can report via https://www.warzone.com/Report?p=74114191260

Please note that naming yourself after a world leader is not against the rules, even if the person they named themselves after did a lot of bad things. Therefor the name 'Adolf Hitler' is allowed by the Warzone rules.
what do you think of this guys name...: 2020-01-04 11:11:41

Level 59
thanks for your reply and clarification that 'hitlers' are in principle ok in warzone.

here's the link: https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=20456324
what do you think of this guys name...: 2020-01-04 11:11:50

Level 58
ive never had a problem with him or his name player in several games...……………..
what do you think of this guys name...: 2020-01-04 11:14:01

Level 50
The name is allowed, so there is that. (If you go to the report, then select offensive username from the drop down, WarZone tells you "Using a name of 'Hitler' or another world leader is not against Warzone's rules. Feel free to blacklist the player so you do not have to play with them, however you should not report them."

Offensive chat can and should of course be reported.

Edit: 100% report that chat, use the in-game report option (preferred, if not include a game link). The chat at 2020/01/03 17:12:09 is way out of line.

Edited 1/4/2020 11:16:54
what do you think of this guys name...: 2020-01-04 11:15:28

Level 63
Thanks for the link bas_

The chat's regarding Jew's should be reported using the report link I send earlier.

And that game is waiting for you, so you should respond ASAP (you will get booted in about 8 hours). If you do not want to play the game with Hitler anymore, you can surrender. If you still want to play, you should make your picks.

EDIT: You can also blocklist Adolf Hitler to prevent him from contacting/playing you in the future.

EDIT_1: I see TBest also edited his posted, definitely reports Hitler for what he said

Edited 1/4/2020 11:23:35
what do you think of this guys name...: 2020-01-04 11:45:31

Level 59
i made a report on the chat. i 'm waiting for a report-reply, but i'll just surrender, block-list and continue my happy life :)
what do you think of this guys name...: 2020-01-04 11:46:54

Level 63

I have made lot's of reports over my life, and never got an respons to any of them. You will probably not get a response to your report.
Enjoy the rest of Warzone and life.
what do you think of this guys name...: 2020-01-04 12:23:14

Level 60
his name is fine.

Actually, there are 50 Adolf Hitlers and Hitlers that do or have played WarLight. The chat is a little offensive and I would block him.
what do you think of this guys name...: 2020-01-04 12:56:16

Beep Beep I'm A Jeep 
Level 64
There shouldn't be an argument here. Of course, what he said in the chat is inappropriate and that's undebatable. Block him forever.

Edited 1/4/2020 12:56:38
what do you think of this guys name...: 2020-01-05 03:52:13

Level 58
Well, i remeber there was a FFA game:

I was winning the game and there was one player found out I come from Hong Kong.

He/she said like "Hker is asian which is poor as hell" "you cant even afford your dinner, poor asian"

I only remember the player claimed he/she is a white and white people is superior to asian lol
what do you think of this guys name...: 2020-01-05 21:14:07

Pyotr Krasnov 
Level 46
just block and leave the game
what do you think of this guys name...: 2020-01-06 04:25:03

Pepe the Great
Level 58
I've seen that guy on the global chat before asking if there are any Jews, just like in your game. I think he's just trying to get a reaction.
In the past I've had someone call me the n word (even though neither of us are black) and say "die in a fire" for winning a close game. Just laugh at him and move on.
what do you think of this guys name...: 2020-01-16 07:23:54

Level 49
There have been multiple adolf trolls, one (the one linked) just sprays hate speech to be edgy, another who joins lottos (Until he got blacklisted by everyone) just repeatedly said: "i will kill all jews!" I just block everyone with the name adolf hitler :v
what do you think of this guys name...: 2020-01-18 19:12:14

Level 61
Looks like enough of people reported him, "This player is currently suspended for violating Warzone's rules" -> https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=74114191260

Thanks for telling this, so i could blocklist him/her.

Edited 1/18/2020 19:12:54
what do you think of this guys name...: 2020-01-18 19:14:53

Level 63
Great to see his account got suspended! Since he is last seen 11 days ago, I will assume it is a perm ban
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