Level 60
A new tournament is starting! The tournament will start off as a series of 3 free for all and team multi day matches. One person from each of these areas will represent there side.
Match Arrangement: 1st, team game with teams of 2.
2nd, free for all
3rd, free for all
Teams: Great Britain and Island,
Canada, USA north (As far south as Virginia, Missouri, Colorado, Utah, Idaho and Oregon),
USA south and Mexico,
Brazil and South America,
Middal East and India,
Indochina (Laos, Thailand, Burma, Vietnam, Cambodia and Singapore),
Australia and Indonesia,
Italy and Spain,
Belguim and the Netherlands,
Central Europe (Austria, Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Croatia and Czech Republic), Southern Europe (Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey, Albania, Montenegro and Kosovo),
Norway and Sweden,
Finland and Russia,
Denmark and 'the lowlands' (Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia)
Thats 19 teams. The 5 pairs last alive in round 1 move to round 2. The 5 people left alive in round 2 move on to round 3.
If you want to sign up place your name and which country/area you want to represent. P.S: You must live in that area.
All maps will be europien and world maps with a europien focus. Map list will be relesed after all teams have been signed up. List will posted up after all teams have been signed up. Game will be created by me!
So what are you waiting for sign up today?
P.S: If you are going to sign up check 2 things, 1: You can log in daily as you will be kicked for 3 day inactivity. 2: That you arnt going on holiday while the tournament will be on as holidays and vactions will be ignored.