Clan League Archive: 2020-01-17 00:54:51 |
Master Cowboy
Level 61
Previous Clan Leagues are not archived all that well, and information is not easy to collect. I am working on detailed clan league logs, and putting everything into a sheet and on this forum so people can get a glimpse at CL over the years.
I could use some help figuring things out, because throughout the years people have not really been good at actually archiving information.
-Who played for who in the early few CLs. Some of this can get a bit confusing, you can look at the records reported , and find most of them, but in the case of many ties it is difficult to figure who's clan they were playing for.
-Past Clan League Forums.
-Missing Games from CL10 With the clot from CL10 long dead, a good portion of the games are missing, most importantly those in A at the end of the CL, after Farah's last forum post.
-Any relevant information.
Thanks Your CL Dictator, Cowboy
Clan League Archive: 2020-01-17 00:55:09 |
Master Cowboy
Level 61
Edited 1/17/2020 05:44:22
Clan League Archive: 2020-01-17 01:08:08 |
Level 49
I wish diplos were this autistic. You have it lucky, competitive players.
Clan League Archive: 2020-01-17 12:54:46 |
Level 60
wow! those old forums are rly cool! seeing how simple the first Clan Leagues were with a huge step-up for CL 8! TONS of forum threads about it! thanks cowboy!
Edited 1/17/2020 12:58:36