This level am stuck on this level and can't figure it out. Nothing I do works. AI starts out with more territories than me, more armies, and a higher income. He plays an income card for 40 extra armies on turn 13. He plays a sanction card that lasts 10 turns on me on turn 15.
I've tried running the path straight up the middle but the -1 income for each territory is crippling, and I run into a monster stack that I cannot pass no matter how many armies I shovel into it. This is the only strategy that seems possible to make it to his home base before he gets extra income and sanctions me, but seems impossible to execute.
I've tried focussing on the south, but he is too powerful and either destroys me in the south, or if I place enough armies to defend the south he just rolls in through the north or through the middle path.
I've tried focussing on the north with even worse luck.
I've tried expanding and controlling everything to get more income, but he has so many more armies than me he just steam rolls me around turn 8 when we meet up.
Usually when I get a hard level to beat I improve my strategy over several games getting slightly better with each iteration. I've played this one like 20 times now, and I'm not getting any better than I did in attempt 5.
What's the secret to this map? It looks like a lot of people have beaten it, so what's the strategy that I'm missing?