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How do I get castles and what do they do?: 2020-02-21 16:26:18

Level 57
Could someone please explain castles for me? - How you get them? What they in effect do? I take it there is a defensive bonus and an associated potential negative for an army attacking them?
I'm in a multi player and they seem to have popped up in lots of other players' territories. Do i need to earn a card to get them or something?
How do I get castles and what do they do?: 2020-02-21 16:27:09

Level 63
Do you mean cities?

If so, the game has commerce enabled, see: https://www.warzone.com/wiki/Commerce
How do I get castles and what do they do?: 2020-02-21 17:38:08

Level 57
I'm not sure. I don't think so. I'm on a Scandinavian massive map massive multi player game.Sure the notifications said players were setting castles in various linked territories.
How do I get castles and what do they do?: 2020-02-21 17:38:49

Level 63
Perhaps the game has some mods?

Could you link the game so we can have a look?
How do I get castles and what do they do?: 2020-02-22 20:14:15

Level 57
Certainly. Except my tech skills are so pitiful im not sure how to do that!?

Sorry about this;thanks for trying to help. - I have asked for advice in the same manner in the game in question, but...even though there're around twenty players no one has so much as acknowledged the query...!
How do I get castles and what do they do?: 2020-02-22 20:36:35

Level 60
Like 99% certain you are talking about cities (that looks like castles on the map if you will).

Top left, under the Deploy / Attack menu, there is a gold bar. Click it. Build cities.
How do I get castles and what do they do?: 2020-02-22 21:38:53

Level 63
To get a game link:

If website: copy the URL.
If app: Settings > Full Settings > Game link (try to copy this)
How do I get castles and what do they do?: 2020-02-23 12:32:45

Level 57
Ah.Okay. Thanks guys. Will keep my eye on the action history window thingy and see if i can catch the name of what they're all building. Is it one goldbar per castle.

Thaks for the advice on copyand pasting/providing links. I may need your advice again shortly.

Thanks again guys, much appreciated.
How do I get castles and what do they do?: 2020-02-23 12:58:08

Level 56
Definitely cities.
How do I get castles and what do they do?: 2020-02-28 18:20:32

Level 57
Thanks for your help guys. It was indeed cities(of course it was!).
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