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Treasure Map: 2012-07-12 14:48:52

Level 12

I'm trying to clear out the projects that I've started in my time here on Warlight. The only thing holding this map back was naming all the territories, so here's your chance to help me out.

All you have to do is send via feedback the names for all the territories in one bonus. I will use all but one of them and name the remaining territory after you! You can always check the progress on the future version of the map here to make sure your bonus isn't taken yet:


Names must follow the following rules:
  • No vulgar or offensive names
  • No negative references to other players
  • Names must be semi-relevant to the map
  • Names must use the Latin alphabet, but may be transliterations of other languages

Thanks in advance for your help! Let me know if you have questions.
Treasure Map: 2012-07-12 15:24:51

Level 12
Also, if you disapprove of someone's use of your name, just tell me and I'll change it. Let the games begin.
Treasure Map: 2012-07-12 17:48:55

Level 54
i got a suggestion Ferrum Terra(Iron land) in latin
Ferru Cor(Iron Heart)
Dead Rum Coast
Treasure Map: 2012-07-12 18:53:27

Level 63
For Butterfly Island:

poregga, Caterian Pillars, hecocoon lands, Butterfly city.

I know they are bad, but they are just examples of something.
Maby you noticed but you can find these words back in the names: egg, caterpillar, cocoon and butterfly. Wich is the order of the transormation of a butterfly. You don`t have to use these names but I would love to see these words into the names of the territory`s on Butterfly Island
Treasure Map: 2012-07-13 01:58:33

Level 27
so wheres the trasure?, you should add a bonus called Treasure with 1 army per turn or something.
Treasure Map: 2012-07-13 09:04:05

[kk] Antz
Level 7
I submitted feedback for the Crypt Island
Treasure Map: 2012-07-13 10:39:04

Ⓖ. Ⓐrun 
Level 57
Arusia, Arunon, Terra Aurum, Trefnant (my village)
Treasure Map: 2012-07-13 14:42:38

Level 12
Ironheart and Arun, I find it to be no surprise that you two were of the most eager to participate, yet the least able to follow directions. If you insist on posting here, please at least choose a bonus in which you'd like the territories named.

Also, the names don't have to be in the Latin LANGUAGE, they need to be in the Latin ALPHABET. I don't want names that people won't be able to type in the chat.
Treasure Map: 2012-07-13 17:55:12

Ⓖ. Ⓐrun 
Level 57
in the heart of the north, i'd like 61 to be Arusia, 62 to be Arunon, 63 to be Trefnant, 64 to be Cymru, 65 to be Llanelwy and 66 to be Denbigh.

sorry about the confusion
Treasure Map: 2012-07-13 19:00:38

Ⓖ. Ⓐrun 
Level 57
this is going to be one of my favourites maps when it has the new territory names
Treasure Map: 2012-07-13 20:54:58

Level 54
@muppet sorry about that but when i posted the map didn't show in the dashboard
Treasure Map: 2012-07-14 03:47:08

Level 12
Keep them coming!

Remember to check the second link above to see if your bonus is still available!
Treasure Map: 2012-07-14 07:46:28

Level 50
Vierendertig, hahaha.
Didn't know you were Dutch too, Muppet!

And here's my contribution for Isle of the Dogs:

And there's already a territory named after me, so you could just leave it that way instead of changing another territory.
Treasure Map: 2012-07-14 07:48:16

Level 50
(sorry for the double post)
Forget about the Wolves' Wormhole above, make it rather Wolves' Whirlpool (it fits better with the pirates theme)
Treasure Map: 2012-07-14 14:14:34

Ⓖ. Ⓐrun 
Level 57
i like the place named after me

very good

thanks for this muppet, it was a great idea for naming territories
Treasure Map: 2012-07-14 14:54:30

Level 63
indeed, I am planning to make a big map and I wanted to do this also (let players decide how the territory`s should be named), but you are first^^
It is a good idea, nice names, the Bonus Way of Dead has a bit weird and funny names but that is ok :)
Treasure Map: 2012-07-14 17:57:07

Level 16
I'll claim the One-Legged Paradise:

21 - Zondaegske Kaep
22 - Baia Domenicum
23 - Musketierskuste
24 - Euwige Jochtfelde
25 - Nochtmerdaele
26 - Zondaegshaefen
27 - Bezoeredeil

It's in a fictional language that's based on Dutch and that you'll see in an upcoming map of my own. ;)
Treasure Map: 2012-07-14 19:01:53

Commander C {Warlighter}
Level 8
I'll claim "Isle of the Sunken Ship"
I'd like....
    • 134 to be Hooked Peninsula

    • 135 to be "CC Beach"(named after me)

    • 136 to be Old Village

    • 137 to be Aurarius Dock.
  • Treasure Map: 2012-07-14 20:17:42

    Level 54
    i claim jungle of nightmare
    32 Swamp of fear
    31 Phobia Coast
    30 Ironhearts human hunting grounds
    29 Monsters under the bedrock
    28 Evil Mermaids Shore
    Treasure Map: 2012-07-14 20:20:38

    Ⓖ. Ⓐrun 
    Level 57
    the idea is, the map creator come up with the name about you

    i think you should come up with so many names (to fill the bonus), and the creator uses all but one of them, and make one place named after you
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