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Fog Cards (are these possible?): 2020-02-29 00:21:23

M. Poireau 
Level 57
A long time ago, I started a thread and a uservoice for what I call "fog cards".

"Fog cards" would be cards that change the fog settings in a part of the map (I suppose they could work like Reconaissance - a target territory. Surveillance - a target bonus, or Spy cards - a target player).

I wrote about the idea here, originally, with some discussion:


There was a uservoice, here:


And a later thread, with less useful discussion, except for the concept of "bunkers" and discussing the interaction of various card types, here:

For the purposes of understanding all this, the first link has the most info - I'm only including the others to be thorough.


Now that that members are able to work on and implement mods, is this concept feasible? Can it be done?

I think a lot of neat strategies, as well as interesting maps and scenarios, could be accomplished with Fog Cards.
Fog Cards (are these possible?): 2020-02-29 16:53:41

Level 60
Not practically possible. Would have to play complete fog, then spam recon cards each turn and stuff

(That is, don't think mods can change the fog of a territory. But they can 'unfog' using cards. The reference to the fog enum is red (not made) on the wiki doc. )

Edited 2/29/2020 16:54:52
Fog Cards (are these possible?): 2020-02-29 17:03:24

Level 63
I really like this idea, but I have no knowledge about the possibilities of such a mod
Fog Cards (are these possible?): 2020-03-01 00:08:59

Level 57
Only thing possible is unfogging territories using mods to spawn cards in and play thrm (either territory with surrounding ones, a bonus(on some maps this can be used to target specific territories if every territory has a bonus) or a player).

Here are some examples what is possible: -adjust card duration depending on what bonus/territory it is played on
-reveal a random player each turn
-reveal all players every x turns
-only show your own territories and neutral ones next to you(this has some limitations as it might not always be possible to reveal every neutral territory without reveal some neighbor territories)
-make one or multiple players visible for everyone while the player can't see the opponents (giving him a handy cap/making him more valuable for surprise attacks)
-and so much more

But it is not possible to have e.g. dense and heavy fog at the same time. All you can have is whatever the fog setting is and whatever you can see using cards.

Edited 3/1/2020 00:10:04
Fog Cards (are these possible?): 2020-03-02 22:24:40

M. Poireau 
Level 57
Ah, well, that's a shame!

Some of the possibilities you outline are very interesting, though.

When you say it's possible to change the duration of "Recon" cards based on location, is it possible to make the duration ZERO (so they don't take effect)? That could allow for some interesting scenarios and/or maps.

This one, in particular, is fascinating:

"-make one or multiple players visible for everyone while the player can't see the opponents (giving him a handy cap/making him more valuable for surprise attacks)"

How would this work? Would it be a whole new mod?
Fog Cards (are these possible?): 2020-03-05 23:32:22

Level 57
To make a recon card duration of zero, you just replace the play order with a discard order.

And to make a oponent visible to everyone, you let everyone play every turn a spycard on him(create a new spycard and insta play it)
Fog Cards (are these possible?): 2020-03-14 22:02:10

M. Poireau 
Level 57
Very interesting!

What I was asking about with regards to Recon cards, though, is that you said it could be linked to locations. Is that true? Is it possible to make a part of the map impossible to Recon? That's close to my Fog Cards idea, especially with heavier fog...

As for Spy cards: you say "insta play it". What does that mean? Is it possible to make a mod that plays cards automatically?
Fog Cards (are these possible?): 2020-03-15 05:53:13

Level 57
Prevent cards on certain area:
-used Server_Advancedturnorder
-check if recon card is played
-check on which territory it is played
-skip order if you do not want it to get played

Play cards automatically:
-mods can add any order they want into the order list, even after it was committed (during turn switching), this allows you to add cards into the order list.
-you can also give the player cards, and just add the playing order directly behind the receiving order, making it play instantly
Fog Cards (are these possible?): 2020-03-16 20:46:56

M. Poireau 
Level 57
That's quite remarkable. I didn't know that was possible! I'd love to see some mods or scenario design based on that.
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