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Coronavirus: 2020-03-06 03:48:42

Level 55
don't worry about it. it is basically the flu. Don't wear masks in public; only in Asia, Italy, and Iran you may want to do that. 9 deaths in Washington state, but... all people with underlying health conditions. Those only at serious risk of dying are old people and already really sick people. People my age it will just be a common cold or a little worse than one...

The case fatality rate (SARS-2 is 10-30 times higher than the flu) is only one element that contributes to the severity of an epidemic. The basic reproduction factor of SARS-2 is 4.7-7 compared to 1.4 for seasonal flu. You will never see seasonal flu overfill hospitals and depopulate the labor force the way SARS-2 is doing it, because SARS-2 spreads remarkably efficiently, leading to a lot of active cases in one period of time. People don't get the flu all at the same time to the extent that they all get SARS-2 at the same time. A lot of active cases at one time = overflown hospitals, absent labor force, economic depression. Overflown hospitals and weakened immune systems due to viral infection put otherwise healthy people at risk of severe complications, secondary infections.
Coronavirus: 2020-03-06 13:01:23

Level 60
No, I have heard that many times it just comes up as a mild common cold so there could be tens of thousands more cases which caused no deaths
Coronavirus: 2020-03-06 14:13:28

Level 63
fuck corona we drinking modelo in dis bish
Coronavirus: 2020-03-06 17:01:28

Level 55
The severity of an epidemic isn't measure by the case fatality rate. I have listed several factors that present themselves as a danger and have little to do with the case fatality rate of the virus by itself; you are still fixated on the effect the virus would have on a patient, say, in a laboratory. But you don't live in a laboratory, you live in a global economy with billions of people.
Coronavirus: 2020-03-07 03:38:37

Level 6
old and weak people should die this is how the world works deal with it ...... lol, anyway i second what aura said about the two most probable outcomes, the thing that concerns me is that if the coronavirus works as what the previous sars would be, you would never be fully recovered (lungs whited out for the rest of your life)

I think a new ebola medicine has successfully cure someone in china, so this virus might have HIV properties in it, and having an HIV-like virus that can actually spread (throw back to the days when HIV people are basically isolated from everywhere), it's a daunting though really

the other thing is weather, when you notice the countries and regions that got community infections from the virus, they all have similar climate (cases in singapore and everything south of china have died down), i'd imagine when summer comes the virus would be far less potent in europe and america
Coronavirus: 2020-03-09 01:05:54

Aura Guardian 
Level 62
No, I have heard that many times it just comes up as a mild common cold so there could be tens of thousands more cases which caused no deaths.

The thorough vetting of the population of South Korea is by far the most accurate guideline we have. I am pretty sure they are catching the vast majority of their cases.

They report a death rate of 0.5%, which I think is probably close to the realistic deathrate of the virus.

Combining the fact that the death rate of reported flu cases about 0.5%, and I think that at most 1 in 4 flu cases get reported, is why I hold a hypothesis that the death rate of coronavirus is probably about four times as deadly as the flu.

Even if this were not the case, and the virus was "basically the flu", then I think there is still reason to justify a response that we see now, simply because the pathogen family is one that our bodies are completely unfamiliar with, therefore making a potential mutation of the virus all the deadlier.
Coronavirus: 2020-03-09 01:08:16

Aura Guardian 
Level 62
Ah, I found the CDC Fact Sheet on influenza. They estimate that the probability of death for the illness is 2/100,000, or 0.002%


That's quite a bit less than the 0.5% fatality rate currently reported by South Korea.
Coronavirus: 2020-03-09 03:15:09

Cata Cauda
Level 59
I think a new ebola medicine has successfully cure someone in china, so this virus might have HIV properties in it, and having an HIV-like virus that can actually spread (throw back to the days when HIV people are basically isolated from everywhere), it's a daunting though really

What does Ebola have to do with HIV?
Coronavirus: 2020-03-11 06:05:20

[V.I.W] recruiting time! Join us !
Level 65
20% of cases go critical, in italy some hospitals left old guys to day because there are not enough machines for everybody.

The scaring part is that 15% of infected people seems to not show sigma or signs less then flu.

For italy It meant that virus spread unnoticed
Coronavirus: 2020-03-11 10:49:33

Level 23
Probably meaning the same in the US. Three TSA (airport security- they touch your ID and boarding pass) agents in SJC (one of the Bay Area airports) just got diagnosed with COVID-19.

SJC airport today was practically deserted, running on a skeleton crew of maybe 6-8 TSA agents in each domestic terminals- only 2 security lines. 3 infected TSA is a lot, and at an airport no less (flight was still close to full, so travel is still happening at reduced volume).

For all I know, I am now about to bring Boomer Plague to my destination.

Edited 3/11/2020 10:50:42
Coronavirus: 2020-03-11 12:06:29

Level 60
Well , first Missouri case was reported.

Oh, @VIW recruiting time join us, you live in Italy. How is Italy coping with it? Is everyone (are you) wearing masks out in public?
Coronavirus: 2020-03-12 10:05:43

│ [20] │MASTER│ Rikku │ I love my wife │ • apex │
Level 61
Had a cough past few, days and now can't catch my breath (never had it before outside of sports but its a weird feeling) . Probably fine tho and just got a cold
Coronavirus: 2020-03-12 11:54:33

Level 60
Yea, I got a mild cold also
Coronavirus: 2020-03-12 21:37:40

[V.I.W] recruiting time! Join us !
Level 65
Viking : Lots of masks around in Milan, not much in the country.
I dont use it ( quite useless . It s needed if you could be' infected to avoid spreading cv).

Next week should be' the peak. If we are lucky Napoli cases will be' few.
Coronavirus: 2020-03-13 00:12:40

Level 55
WTF? It's your responsibility to the public to wear a mask, so that you don't transmit the disease. The disease transmits during the asymptomatic period, so you should always wear a mask out in public!
Coronavirus: 2020-03-13 00:35:15

Level 60
@Plaguetriot, not really true...

W.H.O said no need to wear a mask in public. It doesn't really help you. They say only wear a mask if you have the virus.
Coronavirus: 2020-03-13 11:27:13

Level 62
most masks are useless or single use and aren't useful for this situation.
Wear a mask if people are breathing into your face... otherwise you're fine
And honestly, I'd just be avoiding being somewhere where people are breathing into your face

Most benefit from masks is a physical barrier to you touching your own mouth. Which from what i'm seeing people are negating from poor usage.

If you are sick and couching all over the please, the responsibility is to self isolate not to wear a mask and go around town!
Most likely your hands have C19 on and everything you've then touched is bad, doors, handles, rails, your mask you put on
Coronavirus: 2020-03-13 13:39:29

Level 61
common surgical masks are not usefull against the coronavirus, you need ffp2 masks that are not for sale on the free market. Further, virus particles are known to attach on the outside of all masks. So touching your mask with your hands only makes you more at risk to get infected.

Conclusion: don't wear masks, just clean your hands with soap.
Coronavirus: 2020-03-13 14:19:14

Level 63
afaik the virus enters your eyes and nose so not touching your face would be good preventative steps
Coronavirus: 2020-03-13 17:51:35

│ [20] │MASTER│ Rikku │ I love my wife │ • apex │
Level 61
"you need ffp2 masks that are not for sale on the free market."

Fairly certain ffp2 masks are for sale on the free market

Edited 3/13/2020 17:52:21
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