Perhaps a better system would be to use the "Speed" feature and check everyone's average turn length (it shows last 10 turns) and average it to come up with a multiplier?
thats not a bad idea
the teams should be accounted for the slower player than?
How about the following:
- Copy each players "Playing speed" list
- For each number subtract 24 hours (if it becomes negative, consider it zero; we only want to give a mild penalty to players going over 24 hours, not give a bonus for playing really fast, right?)
- Do something sensible to create a "fair" average
- Use that average (maybe after some scaling) in the same way you wanted to use the 3% penalties.
Let me know if you need help on the formulas. Just tell me how it should work (current assumption: spending 1 minute or 24 hours is "the same"; do you want to mostly penalize going a little bit over 24 hours all the time, or do you want to mostly penalize going far over the 24 hours a single time?) and I'll whip something up.
I like this system a lot more:
- It's less work (less bookkeeping)
- If teams decide to make an effort to finish a game, they will benefit (since only the last ten turns count)
- I'd feel guilty about issuing a warning like originally proposed; this system puts everyone in control of their own "scoring modifier"
Yes, I'm aware really nasty opponents can still game the system a bit (I won't go into details, for the same reason as Yeon), but it only applies to Round 1 (and in later rounds when a team sets themselves up for it) so I think it's not too much of an issue.