No, that is
not how it works! (I'll agree many people seem to think it works that way though...)
- The algorithm goes through each player in standard turn order.
Assigning the second (and third, ...) territory is not done in random order!
This is important for team games: it is not possible that the first and second player to be considered are from the same team.
When "Cyclic Turn Order" is chosen, territory selection counts as "turn 0" for the cycle.
- When it is a player's turn, they receive their highest-ranked pick which is still available.
- If you run out of picks, you'll receive a territory randomly.
Another way to look at this is to say all territories you have not explicitly chosen are added to your list of picks in random order.
c) dont bother placing your 2nd and 3rd pick on a territory your teammate placed as 1st. you will never get it and it'll be lowering your chances of getting your next picks ahead of your enemies.
I agree with the "you'll never get it" part, but I don't think the "it'll be lowering your chances of getting your next picks" part is true; when it's your turn to receive a territory, those will simply be skipped over, not really influencing anything at all...
You might want to read as well.