Hei :)
Just started playing the game and i am always into map making... so.. i thought that it wouldn't be bad to try it in this game as well (did some teeworld, csgo, hl2, hl, cs1.6, cscz maps). Never really worked with inkscape or any program that works with vectors.
After 2 hrs i came up with this (wip)
https://www.warzone.com/SinglePlayer?PreviewMap=82938 (the trees had a gradient and it took me about 15min to realise that it didn't work because of gradients so i changed it... looked better with a gradients tho'-'). This Map is heavily inspired by the Map "Best" form "Company of Heroes". Want to add some more stuff to make the map more tactical (well.. at least as tactical as a 1v1 map can get duh).
So far so good... but jeez... that was ahm... more difficult than working with the hammer-editor.
After 2 hrs i've got some questions and i would love to get some tips from the "old iron" (thats a german thing... means something like "You did xyz a long time so you are "old iron"" lul):
1. Is there a rename tools for inkscape (someone told me there is a plugin but i can't find it).
2. Is there a good way to add decoration? (atm i create one object and paste it in.. than group everything... merge it... and than i cut it out of the territorys one by one. Hope you know what i mean.)
3. Is it hard to get used to inkscape as a amateur when it comes to graphical tools?
PS: Sorry for the bad english.. german is my native language and maybe drank a few beers too much :D
Edited 3/24/2020 18:01:24