I think Netherlands-Costa Rica will be 2-2. The Dutch already suck at defending, and with De Jong gone there is bound to be some goals on their side as well. I hope we can defeat them at the penalties.
WC football prediction (Part 2): 2014-07-03 18:38:51
Dirk Kuyt= Duh-irk* Kay-t** *(i as in "in" not as in I) **(the uy, or in normal dutch the ui, is hard to explain in english -.-)
Stefan de Vrij: Sté-fan* duh vr/fr-I** *(much like Steven, just with and f) **(vr/fr much like the beginning of Froome, and I as in I)
Ron Vlaar: Ron* vl/fl-a-r** *I don`t see the problem with Ron **A must sound like an single a, just a bit streched.
(Both Stefan de vrij and Ron Vlaar can be typed into google translate and you can hear how to say them. It furks up kuyt though.)
I don`t know if you wanted it like this, or in the IPA way with all the figures I dont understand :p I`m still happy you didnt have any questions on how to say the "soft G" in dutch, cause that is almost impossible to explain even if I could let you hear and show how to do it.
WC football prediction (Part 2): 2014-07-06 14:20:51