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- downvoted post by goralgn
Proposition: Clan League Players Association?: 2020-04-11 10:42:16

Level 61
And why cant someone voice an opinion if they didnt join the clan league simple you believe they dont deserve it

i believe you need outside advice because they mostly believe in what they say without The Cl being a factor

Because the people who have played CL are familiair with the format, the rules, the promotion/relegation system etcetera. It's not that they don't deserve to voice an opinion, it's just that it's extremely likely that what they're voicing has long been considered by the organizing and playing parties.
Proposition: Clan League Players Association?: 2020-04-11 11:05:36

Level 60
ok i admit i was wrong

Now can we discuss the actual topic?

Edited 4/11/2020 11:16:28
Proposition: Clan League Players Association?: 2020-04-11 12:20:46

Level 60
This already took place and we have such a association already.

Why don't you just play a CL season before you suggest stuff? Latly I read a ton of stuff about CL by people who are not even really involved.

Don't know the format, the rules etc., but comment on stuff with a strong opinion. Just participate and then suggest adjustments. It is not like such stuff isn't taken into consideration, but suggesting stuff while knowing little to nothing won't help anyone

1. If there is such an association how come newcomers to CL this year are not invited to it? A couple people have mentioned it, however I have seen no evidence of this (though I'd be happy for you to change this!). What's the point of a players' association if it's not available to players?
2. I've pretty much just finished my first season of CL, so while I haven't been for long I'm definitely involved.
3. Yes, I'm still getting the hang of the format/rules, but I try not to comment with a strong opinion unless I have had things explained to me. The original post in this thread is anything but a strong opinion; rather, a tentative suggestion.
Proposition: Clan League Players Association?: 2020-04-11 14:59:09

Level 61
1. If there is such an association how come newcomers to CL this year are not invited to it? A couple people have mentioned it, however I have seen no evidence of this (though I'd be happy for you to change this!). What's the point of a players' association if it's not available to players?

The last vote I remember was at the start of this season about how CL templates would be chosen and if that process would be changed. That vote included only clans that had played in CL 11 and were signed up for CL 12, if I recall correctly. If there's a new vote before/during next CL, and TLA doesn't drop out, they would likely be included in that vote.
Proposition: Clan League Players Association?: 2020-04-11 17:55:35

Level 60
"The last vote I remember was at the start of this season about how CL templates would be chosen and if that process would be changed. That vote included only clans that had played in CL 11 and were signed up for CL 12, if I recall correctly. If there's a new vote before/during next CL, and TLA doesn't drop out, they would likely be included in that vote."

what you mean basically newcomers didnt get a say in what maps they are gonna play?
- downvoted post by Battle Master ⚔
Proposition: Clan League Players Association?: 2020-04-11 18:03:20

Level 60
"slagi, ngl"

what does this mean?
Proposition: Clan League Players Association?: 2020-04-11 18:03:53

Level 63
Just ignore BM, he has been spamming various forum threads with BS out of boredom today


Edited 4/11/2020 18:07:53
Proposition: Clan League Players Association?: 2020-04-11 18:04:08

Battle Master ⚔
Level 58
seems like a good idea, not gonna lie
- downvoted post by Battle Master ⚔
Proposition: Clan League Players Association?: 2020-04-11 18:07:19

Level 60
oh ok
thanks for the info
Proposition: Clan League Players Association?: 2020-04-11 18:07:42

Battle Master ⚔
Level 58
np :)
Proposition: Clan League Players Association?: 2020-04-11 18:08:13

Level 60
ok thanks

and yes what @JK_3 is true im bored but i didnt try to spam

(why did it send twice)

Edited 4/11/2020 18:10:10
Proposition: Clan League Players Association?: 2020-04-11 18:10:12

Battle Master ⚔
Level 58
me neither
Proposition: Clan League Players Association?: 2020-04-11 18:10:51

Master Cowboy 
Level 60
There is no need for a panel like this. Anytime a vote is required, all clan leaders involved in CL get to vote. Improvement threads are also made for suggestions.
Proposition: Clan League Players Association?: 2020-04-11 18:13:05

Level 60
The Suggestion was lets make a players association which talks for all (excluding clan leader) Players Cowboy

at least that is what i thought
Proposition: Clan League Players Association?: 2020-04-12 08:02:43

Level 60
Anytime a vote is required

Votes are never needed for CL, you and the panels basically have the power between you to do almost anything. This isn't about when votes are needed, but when they're wanted. Again, I'm not saying these votes have any power, like the template votes do. They're merely so the participant players' opinions are made known in a concise way instead of the nasty back and forth you see on forums.
Now I've only seen about three different people voice an opinion here, anyone else?
Proposition: Clan League Players Association?: 2020-04-12 08:11:56

Level 60
Everyone in Ethics and Audit was voted on.
The leader of CL organisation was voted on (That would be Cowboy*. Thru, he ran unopposed if i recall right)

The template panel is not voted on, but rather picked by the CL leader. And then Templates are voted on.

Structure wise: CL organisator does the entire thing. Ethics deals with and investigates rule breakers. Audit is the clan's representatives and, well Audit the organisator and/or Ethics. They are also the appeal body.
Proposition: Clan League Players Association?: 2020-04-12 11:05:27

Level 60
LND, it sounds like a fair idea... but, like Cowboy said on the first page, nothing would ever get done. Since I think the Clan League goes slow enough as it is with voting/decisions with only a few people to decide the outcome, with over 25 people deciding the outcome, certainly nothing would get done quickly at all.

But, if there was a time limit to send in votes, it may work. And if the clan leader didn't send in a vote in time, the clan doesn't get to vote on the subject being discussed.
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